Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Sunday...

Today is what our family calls Christmas Sunday. We always take a family picture after church, today we did that, and every one was actually smiling!--There are SO many of us, it's hard to get a smile on every face at the same split second!

It moved my heart to watch our married daughter's family all dressed up in complementing outifits...the newborn and the three year old in brother/sister outfits! Our grandson, Will, was so proud in his 'tap tap' shoes! They aren't actual 'tap' shoes, he calls them that because of the sound they make when he walks across a hard surface floor! He usually wears soft-sole shoes, so when you're three, hearing your steps is a big deal!

This evening, we celebrated Christmas with our small group. We hosted it here, laughed a lot--and ate a lot! And, opened great presents from each other! And, laughed some more.
We are so very blessed to have this group of friends. We have good friends all over the place...but this group is so good together! We love being together, sharing similar goals and interests.

Our group now includes a celebrity of sorts...One of the men in our group, just got back from LA, where he was filming a TV commercial! It will be used in the Washington DC area during the Super Bowl! It was fun to hear his stories about photo shoots and make up and 'wardrobe' one we know talks about such things!

Tomorrow, as I clean up the mess, I will reflect on the evening, sometimes that's as much fun as the actual event. Re-living the conversations, and recalling what a great time we had together!

We have great reason to celebrate...and we should, at every opportunity, do just that:
Celebrate! 'Tis the Season! Go, Celebrate the Son!

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