Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy 4th of July--Live at Peace with One Another!

Red, White &' gorgeous together, and I love this time of year!
Everything is 'Stars & Stripes'!!!

Not really certain where I was going with all that.
But, Happy 4th of July!

My sister has a birthday in 2 days! Happy Birthday, LaDonna! Enjoy! And, Enjoy church camp, as I know you will!

And, that means that my birthday is coming very soon! --less than a month, now! I do enjoy many aspects of getting older! I'm more comfortable with my life and my place in life than I've ever been...I'm not afraid to try new things (within reason, so don't worry, mom, I'm NOT going to jump out of any airplanes!)...there aren't that many things that are on my 'bucket list'...I've purposed to keep that list very short...and keep my 'blessing list' very LONG!

Talking to strangers is something I really enjoy. They are fun, most of the time. I love to talk to little kids, they are hilarious. I also try to smile at people, to try to get them to smile back at me...everyone needs some sunshine! :D I played 'Guitar Hero' last night, for the first time...which was quite a laugh, because I'm not coordinated, at all!!! But, we laughed a lot!

I enjoy watching people. My Grandma Sisk taught me the 'art of watching people' when I was a young teen ager. Good times: we'd sit in the middle of a shopping mall (or, where ever we happened to be) for what seemed like hours just watching people walk by because real life is so much fun, and people are hilarious! Grandma loved people, all kinds of people, and I do, too, so she was a great teacher for me!

Yesterday, though, I was blown away by a young woman in line in front of me at a discount store. She actually yelled at 'no one in particular' as we approached the check out about how 'unhappy she was about the service she'd received.' (this is the G rated version, the words she used were PG-13)--This should have been a clue to me to move to a different aisle...but not me, I wanted the adventure and 'front row seat' to see what else she was going to do!

Hilariously enough, she proceeds to stand in the check out line, flip open her cell phone, and call someone she apparently could vent to (mom, husband, sister, who knows!?!?!) And, spit very loud venom on and on about how she'd been there for over an hour before receiving any help in trying to return a 're-called item' for her baby son. Then, the 'replacement item' that she wanted had also been re-called just that afternoon. So, she was out of luck, leaving the store empty handed...and apparently, she thought it was the check-out lady's fault.

Amazing is what this was. Amazing. Better entertainment than the head lines on the tabloids (which crack me up!) This woman is yelling at the top of her lungs (as her companion paid for their purchases) at the person on the phone about how incompetent this store was, and the people who worked there...then at the end of the conversation, she closed by quietly, very sweetly, saying 'I love you'...hilarious! Hilarious to me.

See, life is a ride, it was better than a movie! Just as quickly as she sweetly said, "I love you" she turns to the supposed 'incompetent checker' and, in a very stern voice, asks for the phone number of the place where she could lodge a complaint against the establishment! Hilarious!

So, my question is: Just how serious does she think people are going to take her? Can people not see how embarrassed every one around them become when they behave this way? I do not understand, except that it does have a certain air of entertainment to it, so just let it happen! It gives us something to laugh about later! Poor thing, though, she's under the impression that she did the right thing!

I do fail sometimes in similar situations, remember, I am not perfect...but I think I read on my journey this week: As far as it depends on you, live at peace with one another!--Romans

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