Thursday, May 21, 2009

O, for the love of Edward Cullen...

It just came to me ... why the Twilight series is so popular. And, what I must write in regards to that realization!

A movie of the first book came out a few months ago, the next book, New Moon, is expected out in November and Eclipse in 2010. Many of my friends, young and not so young are fans. My older girls are fans. My younger girls are fans. My husband even enjoyed the movie very much. I wasn't with the rest of the family when they saw the movie, I didn't figure I missed too much in my life by not attending.

But, because curiosity got the best of me, and because of the commitment of time one of our daughters has spent reading every word of each of the four books, (plus the Internet download offerings) I've started reading the series, as well. I've been told by more than one person, this was not a book they would ever expect to see on my 'books read' list! I read a lot, just not a lot of fiction.

This is not a book review. I'm just trying to apply some ideas from what I've read so far, to real life! I've read the first two books in their entirety, the third, I've just started. They have been entertaining, to a point.

As you probably know, Edward and Jacob are main characters, and loved by Bella, each for different reasons. Their love for Bella appears to be real. Bella has a constant need for someone to watch over her and protect her (which most of us can relate to!). These two are willing and equipped for that role in her life.

Edward, though is the one she is truly in love with. He is rich, watches over her as she sleeps and as a bonus, has the ability to read minds. His close friend can see the future, so any question Bella may have, he can answer it, if he chooses!--It's always up to him, though, he's very mysterious, which is also intriguing to her! As the two of them interact with what is perceived to be her enemy, Edward's stance is always one of protector, and deliverer. He sits in her room at night to watch over her. He isn't human so he has no need for sleep. He relates to her out of his love for her in her human-ness. He sits and watches her, listens to her as she talks in her sleep, and he's there when she wakes up, always protecting her. Without him, she awakens with screams. --She's lost without him. (I can also relate to this!)

Because you know me, (or maybe you don't know me), this Edward and the role he has in Bella's life, does remind me of someone else!

I found this in a love letter recently: Remember, I will not let your foot slip--I'm watching over you--YOU, the one I love the most and I will neither slumber nor sleep...I will keep you from harm--I will watch over your life; I watch as you come in and go and forever.

A little later in the letter, he wrote this: Don't be afraid...keep on speaking, don't be silent. I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I am fully capable and I have friends close by you to help you, as well!

What we find in Edward Cullen, who is a fictional vampire, (yep, I really read a book about vampires--surprises even me!)...

we can truly find in the One who has loved us since He set the foundations of the earth. The One who is the Lover of My Soul. He's the one who is watching over me as I sleep, because He doesn't need sleep. He watches over my life, He keeps me from being afraid, I know He's always with me, and I do not fear attack from others. Even though, the enemy is all around me, waiting to seek, kill and destroy! It's also good that I don't have to worry about saving Him because of his love for me (think New Moon here), He's already conquered death and saved ME!!!

I have nothing to fear, especially not death!

This One is King Jesus. His love letter to me, to mankind, the Bible, is loosely quoted above in italics from Psalm 121 and Acts 18.

Edward Cullen isn't coming back for you or me. Remember: he isn't human. Some may need to be reminded that he isn't even real...he's fiction. Don't believe lies like 'how happy you could be, if you could just find a vampire like Edward'...that isn't even realistic. Edward Cullen, along with Bella Swan, and Jacob Black and the others are great characters in the mind of Stephanie Meyer. She made them up, and she did a great job writing about them...I applaud her effort. But, it's entertainment!

--I know you know this, but, I'm a mom of daughters, romantically inclined daughters--and I want them to embrace truth for their lives and for their future!

As you search for someone like Edward, my hope would be that you would look, instead, for and find the Voice of Truth! The ONE who truly Loves you! His Name is Jesus. He has everything YOU could ever need, want or imagine...nothing but truth!--Real Truth!


Debbie Legg said...

I love what you've had to say here for so many reasons. I am reminded of the books Wild at Heart and also Captivating by John & Staci Eldredge. The adventure, the beauty, the sacrifice for the beloved, the virtue...everything about the greatest love stories we read in life points to the Ultimate Love Story of the God who loves us, who sacrificed for us, who invites us into the greatest adventure with Him. Who do we think created "romance" in the first place? :)

Marsha said...

Thanks, for your comment, Debbie...And you are exactly right! I miss you...see you soon!