Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What a blur of a Day!

What a day! I spent almost 4 hours in meetings this morning, then another hour with my little mentor child, then two hours in the e-room with Madison, another hour fixing supper and another 45 minutes going back to the pharmacy to get meds and to the store to get 'sore throat-appropriate things' for Madison...whew! I'm tired!

Madison does have strep throat, she will not be attending the last full day of school...she'll miss movies, and a walking trip to McDonald's woo hoo! Mallory will gloat all evening about that one! They are so cute! (teeth gritting here) But, the magic antibiotics are in her now, so in a little less than 24 hours, Madi will be able to be around people again!

The coolest part of the day was seeing my little mentoring girl. Tammy.

We've been a BB/BS match for three school years. I've written about her before. But today, was the end of the year for us. She's possibly moving away next school year, so, this may have been good bye for now. We've said we'll always be friends, though!

As you may recall, she & I wrote a book together this year. She wanted it to look 'like a real book'... Her teacher is quite a gem. Tammy had told her what we were doing, and she volunteered to bind it for us with equipment the school has on hand! So, I took the pages out to her first thing this morning, and she bound it for us. She even laminated the pages for Tammy! It was adorable, she was so excited to have it...and so proud of it! What a gift!--and, it didn't cost a thing!

Meetings...meetings...they are OK, and there was a purpose for them, but they were back to back...BUT, a lot of that time was spent in prayer, never a waste of time, any time! And, another part of that time was spent discussing the current 5 chapters of our Journey! Also, part of the time we got to swap stories about how God is moving and changing people's lives!!! So, that was a really cool part of the day, as well!

Like I said, I'm tired...I know this isn't a very 'deep post'...but it's all I got today!--Hang with me, it'll get better!!
Bless YOU!

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