Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Really Good Week, Even If....

Fabulous week, so far! And, just like most weeks, there's been really good things, and really sad things happen. That is the stuff that life is made of, isn't it? Good and bad...mixed together...can't really have one without the other...strangely enough.

A week ago, my good friends called me to say that one of their father's was having a really serious health issue...I found out at the beginning of this week that he did pass away. So so sad that he is gone...he'll be missed by many...however, what a reward he's experiencing now! He loved the Lord, and he's now seeing the object of his faith, face to face!

This past Monday night, we began a ladies Bible study...large group, then moving to smaller groups for discussion and prayer time together! This format gives the ladies really good opportunities to get to know each other! Several of them have expressed that they actually felt "energized" when they got home!

That's the work of our Great & Mighty God, isn't it? Giving us energy--JOY--when we work to be obedient to His call on our lives!

Today was a good day. I've made several friends, just today! We are in process of starting another session of GriefShare. This will be our 4th cycle...grief is real...and we learn it is like a really 'unwelcome house guest.' It is really important to 'feel' when you are grieving and not stuff emotions, or numb your pain. Those are just a couple of things we learn in the first session. It takes courage to grieve. There's a lot of 'unknowns' and anxious moments....where fears can creep in, and stay if you aren't guarding against them, and seeking truth. Seek truth. And, you know what I'm going to say next: Scripture is that source of truth...Your efforts in seeking truth in scripture will be blessed--richly blessed!

The twins have had a good week...they are funny. They are also doing a really good job in school this year, according to their teachers! And, because the girls are 'the girls', their school secretary and their school nurse are becoming my new best friends!--As, I talk to them pretty frequently--so funny!

See what I mean: life...good with the bad...good with the sad...In this world, you will have trouble...but take heart, I have overcome the world!--Jesus said these words, accroding to John 16:33. There will be trouble here because this is NOT Heaven.


Debbie Legg said...

Love your willing heart to go to the sad places to lead others through them. YOU are a HUGE BLESSING to SO MANY, including ME! LOVE YOU! :)

everydayMOM said...

Hey Marsha... it's great to catch up on your life! =]