Friday, December 14, 2012

Marsha OR Greg?--either way, it turned out OK

It's here!  The day I have been anticipating for the past fifteen weeks!  December 14th signals the end of my fall semester for school.  All the work has been turned in, and I feel better equipped for life and that 'thing' I'm preparing to do!

I made new friends of the authors I was blessed to have been assigned to read.  Their wisdom and stamina astound me, and I am so thankful I was pointed to their work!  The time I spent on campus was spent rekindling friendships, and forming new ones, with fellow students--really from all over the US!  I am truly thankful for this season of education in my life--I am learning to cherish the opportunity and take this gift I have been given, very seriously.

I look forward to the three coming weeks for many reasons.  This is the seasons when I begin receiving my text books through the mail--that makes each day so much fun!  This is also the season that I promised my self--but especially Randy--that I would finish unpacking our home.  Of course, this part of the unpacking will bring floods of memories, and a down pouring(s) of emotions, as this is the 'memorabila' portion of our belongings...

Over the next couple of days, however, there will be Christmas presents to wrap, and a couple of special presents to purchase.  Menus to plan, and I get to advise on the planning of a birthday gathering for the twins!

Traditionally, the week between Christmas and the New Year has been my 'nesting' time--I set goals for the coming year, plan our budget numbers, Randy begins to fashion a plan for vacation...and I formulate a diet plan. And, if you know know that the last element of that sentence really doesn't make one bit of sense!  For unfortunately, my diet plan usually gets tossed by January 2. And, so this year, I have already begun to practice that grand plan, for three weeks now.  --I intend to strive to be healthy...but this post isn't about that!

Actually, come to think of it, I'm still not certain what this post IS about--except to tell who ever chooses to read this that I am tickled pink to be able to sit here, watching Morning Joe, with a hot cup of coffee, and I do not have to worry about heading out to our little library to research and write for a grade, today!

Randy and I have been watching Christmas movies-one per night--since the beginning of December.  This is so fun for us...we either laugh til we cry, or we sit and wipe tears in the "Hallmark" ones is this...cheesy?  Maybe--but he works hard every day, we exercise after he gets off work...and by the time the movie comes on, I am in need of a 'break'!  We consider "Christmas Vacation" as our favorite...of course my last name used to be Griswold...which is hilarious...'Clark'--no version of him was my dad, though! 

I remembered something funny this week.  One of my friends posted 'younger years' pictures of me recently.  My name is Marsha.  She said, "Marsha, Marsha, Marsha"...of course, you know where this comes from--yes, The Brady Bunch from the early 1970's.  Of course, I have heard this for years--I just wish I would have been as gorgeous and cool as Marcia, on that show!

Here's what I remembered, though:  My mom once told me that if I had been a 'boy baby' my name would have been Gregory Alan Griswold.  Yes, my initials would have spelled "G.A.G." for my whole life (of course, there are those that may have formulated that opinion with or without those initials for my identity) --But, I still would have been 'cool' enough to have been identified with The Brady Bunch  family names...thanks, mom!

Well, now it's time to start the day...I'm excited to see what happens on this day--this day I have looked SO forward to--it's going to be amazing!--

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