Friday, October 29, 2010

babies..."you're better off raisin' tomatoes"!!!

I'm not serious with that's just a quote I hear from the older girls a lot. When they were growing up "Matilda" was a really popular movie/book choice for them! That is a line from it, Rhea Perlman plays the mom, and she's always too busy to see how truly gifted and special her baby daughter Matilda is! To the point that when Matilda really wanted to go to school, because she'd turned 6-1/2, her mom argued that she couldn't go to school because she was only 4!

I don't feel like I'm that disconnected from my kids...I do know how old they are, and if applicable, what year of school they are 'in'! But, with two of our kids living on their own, and the two at home are teen-agers...well, it would be really easy to be disconnected from all of them!

Not that I'm one of those mom's that thinks she has to know every detail of my kid's lives...but I love them enough that I want to be connected to them in such a way that I can laugh with them, celebrate with them, or cry with them at the appropriate times!

Alayna and her family got a puppy Collie this past summer, Max. I'm not a pet person, but their kids love this dog! So, it's the right thing for them! They do things I don't understand...but it is really OK. I do not have to understand...and I'm not even complaining because I don't understand! Actually, I'm thankful, because I think that's a sign they are building their own family, and don't 'need' me! They are independent adults!!! Praise God! They made it!!!
Understanding my role as 'mom' of a grown up daughter with a husband and two children, is key! I can operate out of my love for all them, and not know every detail of their lives...IT'S A GOOD THING!!! Trusting God to be faithful to them, just as He has been to Randy and me is an amazing, wild, funny (at times) and sad (at times) ride!!!

Holly, career girl, on her own...definitely an exercise in Trusting my King with the details of her life...I know He's faithful! And, she is doing a really good job of 'figuring it all out'!!! We are 'sounding boards' only, sometimes she takes the advice, other times, she doesn't...but key to my role with her is for her to know that I love her no matter what! My hope is that she knows this...I think she does, or she probably wouldn't call or text or come home as often as she does!

Madison & Mallory...well, my role with them is to offer privacy when they need it...alone, away from each other...and not question them to death. I've learned a package of McDonald's french fries goes a long way in opening up communication between them and me!!! (side note: The other thing I've learned about the fries is that they are the only ones that can eat them, as they make my 'maturing' stomach hurt!!! --Good lesson to learn now!)

I am not naive enough to imagine that I know everything about their lives...but from little conversations I over-hear, and things they write, they have a good foundation! One thing I'm truly thankful for for them is that the love all the girls have for each other is truly a gift. Not only are they all enjoying this freedom that their ages is allowing for them, but they truly listen to each other. The older girls are speaking wisdom to Madison & Mallory that the younger girls truly respect!

Again, my ultimate role with them is that they know that I love them no matter what! Some days I must work harder for them to realize it, but I think they know it!!!--Otherwise, they might not even 'go get fries' with me!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Today is the DAY!!!

Yep, this is the day...for cleaning the house, for doing laundry, for the phone to ring a lot (which was a great distraction from the cleaning & laundry--love it!) and for a visit to my favorite knitting store!

All these things today were like gifts to me! Each one really good for my soul! Even though I got out of bed at 2:30am to actually 'write' instead of laying there and 'writing in my imagination' all night long! --Don't worry, mom, I only wrote for a couple of hours, then took a nap before 7am...I'm good for a couple more hours!

Cleaning our home was actually good for's almost a treat!!! Since I last wrote, our second oldest is officially 'moved out' of our home. That event put everything else in chaos around here til we found 'places for everything' and repainted the twins' rooms! The twins are doing a fabulous job of keeping things picked up, and laundry out of the way!!!

I consider sometimes: Randy & I have never had 14 year old children in the house with out toddlers/ or babies to care for, as this is a new adventure for us! The freedom we have is amazing to just say 'ok, we're leaving in a few minutes' and everyone just shows up at the car, with their own 'stuff' and fastens themselves in to the car--quite a treat! And, so, I'm thankful we have laundry TO DO and a house TO CLEAN!

The phone ringing, well, it was my mom...loved talking to her...she prompted me to write here! We got caught up on what's been going on! Then Phyllis from the church called...apparently Bible study last night was awesome for more than just 'me'...because she was relating how one woman had already called in this morning--still excited that she'd attended last night! Then, another lady from Bible study called just to say how much she loved being 'stretched out of her comfort zone'!!!! That's fun! And, then my sweet husband called just to check on me!

My friend and I took a drive to our favorite knitting store, Atkinson Farms Yarn, I think is the official name for this place. My friend and I have recently learned to 'build shoes' by knitting them and then doing a process called 'felting' much fun! It is a place that is just good for my soul! 'Where everyone knows your name'...and if they don't, it's really ok, because they are so friendly, and super glad you're there!

The Hickory Grove Great Banquet is next week...women's week end! This is going to be a busy week til then...but it is going to be amazing!!! I cannot wait to see what God does with it!!!--Our theme song is 'Today is the Day'...I will rejoice and be glad in it, I won't worry about tomorrow, giving YOU my fears and sorrows...where you lead me, I will follow...I'm trusting in what YOU say, Today is the DAY!!!!

Hoping YOUR Today is fabulous!