Saturday, June 30, 2012

You have the POWER!

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.--I Corinthians 1:18

Because of the cross of Jesus Christ, I have no fear of perishing, because I have entrusted my life to my Savior, Jesus Christ.  The power that raised Jesus to life, the very thing that our enemy, Satan, had not anticiapted, is available to me, through the Holy Spirit, for daily living.  That is a lot of power. 

We sometimes either forget about it, or do not anticipate it, but the power of God is a Mighty thing to behold!  The power to overcome temptation, to face uncertain times, to walk through this life unscathed by our hurts, to simply trust another with our very breath...these are the things that depending on God's power produce. 

What a message we have as Christian believers...this message of the Saving power of Christ.  This message of Reconciliation to the Creator of the Universe!  And yet, for some reason, we hold back, withold blessing one another, or encouraging one another...we even hold grudges.  There is no room in true kingdom work for jealousy among us, for God created each one of His children with unique gifts and characteristics.  We should no longer listen to our enemy and claim our 'right', instead, we should celebrate each other's gifts and talents.  Releasing one another to develop and pursue the talent and passion that God placed within our DNA when He knit us together in our mother's wombs. 

We don't just do this to one another within the Body of Christ, the church...oh, no, we do it to our children, our spouses...sometimes our brothers and sisters or our parents.  Wishing and hoping 'they were different'--"I wish they were more like so-and-so"...when our hope and our prayer should be, 'Change MY heart, Lord--give ME a good attitude, a pure heart, a spirit that glories in our differences--finding the good qualities in others"\'...

Don't worry, I fall down at this sometimes, as well.  Perhaps it is because I have been, for these past 15 months, living among true strangers.  Until recently, we have lived in heavily populated areas, yet acquainted with only a handful of people.  I learned quickly to hone the 'people watching' skills taught to me long ago by my Grandma Sisk.  She LOVED people, and loved the Lord even more!  She was right, people are entertaining.  They also give us a glimpse of the 'mind' of God.  Each person so unique from the rest--physical appearances, shapes, sizes, hair and eye color, shades of skin, size of hands and feet--some have freckles, some have glasses, some love their grey hair...some cover it (!) some wear Spanx...some do NOT! 

I haven't met many people that I would consider 'ugly' as the world sees...'ugly' comes from the attitude of the heart, for physical appearance is always beautiful to me.  The attitude of the heart is worn on the face, and in the posture of the person, so ugly is visible, but can change!  The point is, if we are all so different on the outside, just think, how unique we are in our thought processes, and the language we use when we talk to ourselves!  By the faces of many of the 'strangers' I have encountered over the past year, there are a lot of unhappy, worried, sad, mad, lonely people in our world today.  Give them your friendly smile--it is a language that has no dialect--speaking only from the attitude of your heart.  God created us all different, yet in our differences, He knew that the most important thing we would need would be a Savior, that's why Christ came and died and rose again!

So, don't be shy, be a reason to love that person that seems difficult.  And, do not compare, or show favortism--YOU can do this--by the POWER of God--trust Him, it isn't foolishness!

Remember:  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do everything through him (Christ) who gives me strength.  Philippians 4:12-13

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Was this a good day?

A good day.  Plan for it.  Watch for it.  Expect it.  Having a good day is all about your perspective, and your attitude.  Keeping it simple is key.  Smiling is also key.

As I get older, or 'mature', I have decided that a good day does not hinge on just 'one thing' getting up on the 'wrong side of the bed'.  I heard that a lot when I was a little kid.  There is not a wrong side of the bed, sorry to disappoint you.  There is, however, a right 'time' to go to bed, and a right 'time' to get out of bed.  Sleep and stress experts will tell you that your body requires at least 8 hours of sleep per night.  And, that most of our culture is sleep deprived.  This could give a clue as to why people are so rude...they are just plain tired and don't feel good. 

But, back to the good day plan.  Sleep and rest.  Waking up with a stretch for your arms and legs is also a good idea.  About 10 years ago, my now-89-year-old grandma started doing a seris of simple stretches every morning before she ever got out of bed...she'd start with her feet...then stretch her legs...hands then her arms...slow and purposeful--she said it made all the difference in the world.  Personally, I stretch and also, I like to start the day with a prayer...for a good day, energy to do the things I need to do and to ask for blessings for those I'll come in contact with throughout the day. 

When I answer the phone, I smile.  I try to smile as I walk or drive.  The most important thing is to be thankful.  When we are thankful, we have a different attitude.  There is always something to be thankful for, even in the worst circumstances...always, but sometimes you must look harder, or from a different point of view, to find what it is to be thankful about. 

I often hear those around me, or read your posts on FaceBook that say something like, 'well, that ruined my whole day'.  I would like to point out that I have lived through the worst day of my life, and in the midst of that day, I can remember things that happened that were truly good!   Certainly, my life and the life of our family changed immediately, however I can point to the good, and smile...even through tears. 

Just try it.  Determine that that one thing will not ruin your entire day, and live like it.  Life is way too short, get your rest, be pleasant to those around you...and keep the BIG picture in mind.  God sees this, He has it worked out...He's in the details...but you MUST trust Him with it al. l--what ever 'it' is....I have said it before, I'll say it again!

At the end of each day, go over the day in your mind, determine that 'these were the good things' about this day, and focus on those.  Give the not so good things to God, ask that He redeem or reconile those situations, or give you wisdom to face the fall out from them, and move on.  Just do the best you can to keep short accounts, with Him and with others. Do not hold grudges.  Do not wallow in self-pity.  Do not listen to the Accuser, who hates you.    Lay the good and the bad and the stuff you don't know what to do about at the feet of Jesus!  And, have a fabulous day!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sleep....and good coffee...

You might ask:  What do sleep and good coffee have in common?  This week, me!  In the past 5 weeks, I have driven our Yukon for approximately 50 hours, flown in a huge airplane for a total 10 hours and spent countless hours packing and wraping boxes and furniture!  I am not complaining at all, in fact, I'm overjoyed! 
However this week, I am catching up on some sleep/rest and allowing myself at least one good cup of coffee in the morning! 
And so, as I sit here and contemplate what to write, I'm sipping my coffee, and enjoying the quiet, peacefulness that being 'out in the country' offers!  Unfortunately, I'm looking out at very brown fields, and dry wooded areas...there is a drought in this part of the country, and it is showing.  This drought is showing on the faces of those around me, too.  The ones who make their living by planting crops... Truly the only thing that I/we can do to help in this time is to pray.  And fervently pray and trust that even in this time, God is at work.  There is a difference between praying and believing for the answer, and 'saying' you'll pray and never giving the matter a second thought.  Just looking around here, how can we not remember to pray and ask for rain? 

This week, I'm praying about the drought situation and the many other things that seem to concern me at this moment in our lives.  Our big concern is where God intends for us to be, as a family.  The key word in the previous sentence is the word 'be.'  Some of my friends at Tozer were required to read a book entitled The Courage to Be.  I intend to read this book, as well, but for now, I am not looking for some deep philosophical meaning to my question, I am just looking for simple answers to simple quesitons.    Questions like, where do You, Lord, intend for us to live?  Rent or Buy?  House or apartment?  In 'town' or out in the 'country'?  Close neighbors, or a private area?  And, then there's the question of which body of beleivers we should identify with in our new town?  Where is the best place to serve?  So many details that I could easily be tempted to 'worry' you know, worry shows a lack of trust. 

God is showing Himself faithful in all this, He will bless my effort in trusting Him...each time I even 'think' about the details...and begin to get anxious, as I am sometimes prone to do, I just give it to Him...with thanksgiving, for already having my concerns worked out.  He promised this was true...and He is Faithful!  HE's got this, even the house our family will live in for this next chapter in our lives--as we signed a purchase agreement just today on a cute little place that suits us, and only a mile from my husband's work.  Truly an exciting time! 

Let me just say, as a side note, that there is nothing like the little hugs I've been getting from sweet Will Aden & Ally Nicole!  They are so happy we are here, and we don't have to leave for a home that is six hours away!  Will began praying for us to move closer about 6 months ago....and his prayers were answered!  I don't know about you, but when God, the Creator of the Universe, takes the time to answer a 6 year old's prayers, that speaks of the loving kindness of our Great God!  Praise HIM!  --For He is Worthy!!!

I'll keep you posted on the way God keeps working out the details, those details that I refuse to worry about, keep reading!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

What time is it? OR What time zone am I in, now?

That's been the question of the day!  I began my day in California, ending it in Georgia!  Began my flight at 11am...landed at 7pm...Should I have had lunch before boarding the plane for the five our flight?  OR should I have planned to wait til dinner after the flight?  These are questions that I didn't do a great job of answering before I got on the plane.  In fact, I pretty much snacked on fruit and juice during the flight...I know, I really don't care...but it does make a difference on my sleeping schedule...which seems to be really a mess!

We are consumed with details like this, aren't we?  It does matter what time it is, if we need to catch a flight, get to a meeting, be at work, pick up a friend...we make time, save time, spend time, waste time and watch time.  We live in time and space.  I don't know about you, but I am thankful that we were created by the One known as the Ancient of Days...Our God reigns outside of time and space as we know it here on this earth, yet He cares for each detail of our lives.  I can't explain it, there are those scientists, however that can do a great job of explaining it.  I am just thankful, for what ever I am facing as I'm consumed about the details of saving or spending time, God sees it all!  I believe that this fact, and the 'rest' of God are somehow linked...He's got the details, He sees the beginning and the end, and loves me and you, more than anything!  Praise God--The Ancient of Days!

I am very tired from the week, and the to really, truly, rest! 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Dinner with a New Friend!

Yes, this is the week of intensive class...and the week of having lunch or dinner with friends....good friends!  These are people I only get to visit with while I am at school...they are from all over the United States.  We visit about our ministries, our classes, our goals and dreams, and the cool things God has brought us 'through' since we last saw each other.

I can't pretend to know these people in all aspects of their lives...however, we share a common goal, a common love and a common passion.  That passion is to live a life in service to our King Jesus.  This is an amazing ride, and sometimes, it is exhausting and thrilling in the same moment!

I had dinner last night with two young was fun to listen to them speak of nieces and nephews, their frustrations and victories in their current positions, and their hopes for the future!  We, apparently, all have a love of good cheesecake, and so we went with that as our goal:  light enough dinner that cheesecake could be the main event!  And, it was!  In spite of the waiter that kept flirting, and trying to speak French (hilarious!) but he more than made up for that, by not writing one thing down, and getting our order correct--he was really attentive!  But, oh my goodness, the laughter, conversation and the cheesecake were truly amazing! 

Part of our assignment in my class this week was to have a lunch or dinner with classmates to discuss our class--our reactions, our thoughts, and our passions about the subject matter.  There are only four of us in class...three guys and me!  Today, we decided to have lunch all together...what a good time of getting to know each other, to truly hear their hearts for ministry and their hearts for their wives and kids, and how they hoped to use the tools we are learning this week when they get home! 

But tonight was special, in that I got to have dinner with someone I just met yesterday.  She is only here for this week, and only checking things out here at Tozer...She's from the Midwest, like me...and she currently works at a 'Christian Church'--same 'brotherhood' that I was a part of when in women's ministry!  Amazing how  God gives us exactly what we need, when we need it!  This new friend and I are more alike than different.  Her family has had similar experiences in the past year that ours has faced!  And, she has a passion for God and His Word...I do not know if she will become a student here, but I am thankful that she chose to accept the invitation to come during this week!  It was a blessing for me to connect with her--knowing that, because of technology, we should be able to stay in touch, and continue to encourage one another!

The sunset tonight was so beautiful...the colors were truly breathtaking!  Tomorrow will be my last day here, in Redding, and lunch will be a 'Tozer pizza picnic'--this will give us a chance to connect before we leave and go back to family, ministry and the real world.  I am so thankful for the students here...and the faculty and staff...but especially for the opportunity to meet people from all over!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Renew your mind...

"And be not conformed to this world:  but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good, and acceptable and perfect will of God."  Romans 12:2

I love this verse.  I love this verse because of the hope that it contains.  A hope that my mind can be renewed, and when it is, I will be able to discern God's perfect will.  I have said before, as I grew in to a young teen-ager, the idea of knowing 'God's Will' for my life was of great concern to me (at least in the quiet moments I had alone, I will not pretend or say that this concern was on my mind 24/7 as a 13 year old...that would be a lie!) 

Any way, my concern was that I would not be in God's will somehow.  I have learned much about this process, and how to know for certain that I am operating within the boundaries of what God would purpose for me...for I believe that the prophet Micah wrote it down well when he wrote in chapter 6, verse 8 "He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of
you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." 
These sound pretty simple. 

Romans 12:2 talks about 'renewing your mind,' though, how is that possible?  I have always been taught, and practiced the fact that much of it involves 'lifting up' your thought processes...think higher of the situation at hand than you might normally, in order to have a better attitude about it.  OR, use heavy doses of scripture, to counter any questionable thoughts that you might harbor.  OR, rely on a divine healing prayer, and God will bless. 

Right here I just want to say that since I was younger, I have wondered about the damage done to your brain during substance abuse.  When I was younger, I always heard it said that alcohol kills brain cells, we know this to be true, without doubt.  However, not being in the medical field, I was always concerned about that loss, I had understood that 'what was lost was lost'...

And, SO!  My point!  Today, during our class, I was fascinated to see brain scans of brains that were healthy, had been on drugs or had abused alcohol for years.  We saw brain scans of brains that were addicted to pornography, and addicted to caffeine.  Through the use of medication in some instances, and abstinence in others, and over time, health was somewhat restored!  I was overjoyed to be able to see the evidence, scientifically, that the mind (brain) can, indeed, be physically healed, and pictures can be made of that process (through a nuclear medicine procedure)!   Bottom line:  we can renew our minds each day.  God can renew our minds instantaneously, if He wants...and, we can also be offered modern medical treatments, including abstaining from use, in order to restore brain health...there is, of course, 'more to it' than what I am briefly sharing here....this is NOT a medical journal...and I am not a doctor!  I just wanted to share the fact that the God we serve...the creator of the universe and of our brains....well, His word has been proven over and over again, but today, I saw it evidenced in science...and it was fun!

Monday, June 11, 2012

One Cool Thing About Today...

We begin each week of intensive classes here at Tozer with a chapel service.  We are welcomed, and oriented in to what to expect for the week, we are led in worship and prayed over.  It is edifying to stand among fellow students, faculty and staff, knowing we are all there for one reason, at that moment:  to give our God all Praise--for He is Worthy!

Last semester, we opened each class time with worship.  The subject I studied last semester was Theology of Suffering and Healing--because of that delicate, emotional material, worship somehow put us in the right mind set to face head on some of the mystery surrounding the problem of evil, human suffering, and divine healing.  Worshiping together somehow bonded us together to work through the hard questions, which leads me back to today's chapel service...

The cool thing about today's chapel service was that Dr. Hugh Ross, a creationist, brought the message.   He is here this week to teach an apologetics course.  He was fascinating to listen to, and obviously loves what he does.  As I sat there, I was amazed to learn that he was a scientist first.  And, while he became a believer in his teens, he shared that he didn't know any other Christian people (believers) until he was 27 years old.  He came to the conclusion through scientific studies, and through theorems of time and space, as defined by science...that God was God!  He shared that just a few days ago, he'd been able to share an answer to the question, "If God created the earth, then who created God?"  --great question--posed by an atheist! Dr. Ross has a web-site at

Of course, simple minded me:  I believe it, because I can't think of any other way to explain how air exists, this stuff that we need an endless supply of to maintain life, and yet, it is here...all around us!

It has been a good first day of class....I was able to connect with students I've been in class with before, and meet some new students.  And, I have much to learn about addictions.  I am learning more about alcohol use and abuse than I've ever known before.  Staggering statistics...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Why Did I Say That? --why did i do that?

Do you ever have those times when you think 'it' to death?  When you are having a conversation with someone, anyone that matters in your life, and come away and ask yourself those questions?  I will most likely finish this post and think, why didn't I write something more profound?  There's a lot of words out there that you could be reading.  And, I do not take for granted the fact that you are reading these, I want them to matter to you...for you to somehow be encouraged by me--by the fact that I am a real person, with real problems and happenings, and real joys and sorrows!

I am writing this from my dorm room desk.  Hilarious for me, yet so sobering, to consider how life truly works.  I have always told my husband that 'there is a degree in me someplace'...beyond the Associates degree I received just before we married.  And, now that I am older, wiser and very mature (that's funny to consider, isn't it?), I am able to put together what it is that I'd really like to "do" with this life I've been blessed to live.  Schooling for me is one of those things that amplifies the fact that God truly loves us enough to give us the desires of our hearts!  Remember?  Psalm 37:4 says, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." 

Which explains the answer to my question last night of "Why did I do that?"  When I arrived in Redding yesterday afternoon, I went directly to the Dean's house, as it was a gathering of Tozer students--for food and fellowship.  As I have formed very significant relationships with some of the students and faculty, I wanted to be there.  But, as they hugged and welcomed me, offering food and a place to sit, I became the point of tears. 

And, I wept.  Tears...lots of them.  My sweet friend Jenny asked if it was because I was tired.  Yes, sometimes I cry when I am tired.  But at that moment, I didn't feel tired...I just felt this overwhelming sense of how truly blessed I am to be here.  Feeling very loved, and very blessed and knowing that this experience is truly from the hand of God, took my breath away.  The Dean, Dr. Sumner, who I can also call my friend, just sat with me, prayed and talked for a while.  Who does that?  You know exactly who does that...a person who truly cares and loves.

What I am saying is, this tells about the community of this place, called A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary.  A place of true Christian community, within the students, and within the faculty and staff.  Not perfect, I know that, because we are all human.  However, this is my fourth trip to this place, this oasis, this source of refreshment and each trip, I am always amazed by how this community treats each other.  There is honor, there is laughter, there are sometimes tears, and the thing that is missing is fear about sharing true, real life hard questions and struggles. 

That, though, isn't the focus...the focus is loving Christ seeing God exulted above all else.  I am here only because God opened door after door in my life to bring me to this place.  That is the only way to explain this schooling would never have been on my 'radar' back in my youth when educational decisions were being made for my future...yet God, the God of Creation, the One who loves me most.....saw me then, allowed hurt, pain, suffering, joy, laughter, relationships, and all the other things that make a life, to simmer together to give me unique experiences and opportunities to bring me to this moment.

This moment, where I am learning and growing, and experiencing dorm life!  But, pursuing that degree--just one, of the 'desires of my heart.'  Just one.  But, look at all the details that have to be in place for that 'desire' to be fulfilled.  And, God is providing every one! 

Now, the other question...Why did I say that?  I said all this to let you know, and to repeat to myself:  If God will do this, bless my life in this way, He will do the same for you!  Delight yourself in Him...His word, His teaching, in His presence alone!  Trusting Him with the details is crucial.  He loves us that much! 

Because His love is perfect, that is why there is no room in kingdom work for jealousy or favoritism among us.  We each have unique characteristics, gifts and abilities...where I am weak in one area, another person can fill in the gaps...we just have to allow each other to express our gifts, abilities, and know our own weaknesses, so we will recognize strengths in others...celebrate the strengths in those around you...tell them thank you...tell them you love them...serve them, honor and respect them...but DO NOT BE jealous, or envious of not slander them, just because they might be doing what you think you've been called to may not be your 'time' yet...and remember...God sees you....He knows when YOUR time is right! And, He's got the stop worrying!

Monday, June 4, 2012

As it Turns Out...

As it turns out:  I have not posted to this blog since February 29...a 'long enough' gap that blogger has completely changed the way that posts are developed...I have much to learn.  As always, I'll do fine under this pressure:  it may take a few more tries to fully appreciate all the updates, however!

As it turns out:  I am writing a disclaimer right here:  I am not re-editing this blog post in order to save time...I will be more judicious about postings and editing later!
As it turns out:  Life as we knew it, has once again changed completely!  This is somewhat of a trend for our 31 year marriage.  A trend that we did not plan--nor anticipate early on--we are beginning to see a our way to a clear destination.  You may say, "well, it's about time:  Bishop's, you should grow up and be more responsible."  Yes, I have heard this comment, in person, more than once in the past 12 months!
As it turns out:  Difficult is the best word to describe these past 12-15 months.  And, in some ways, the words Peace, Mercy & Grace also come to mind to describe our experiences.  While I am saving most of the 'good stuff' for a different type of communication, I can share here some of our challenges, and victories.  Difficult to watch first hand as people suffer, and much of the suffering was not by their own decisions, or messes, but by the decisions that other's made concerning their lives.  Difficult to move to a new community where you know only 6 people, and only 2 actually live in that community.  Difficult to take young people to church, and not get anything out of the service, or be able to contribute to the service because you must be watchful at all moments of these young people.  Difficult--no, impossible to make friends, there are few places to connect with other adults in a non-threatening way.  OR, perhaps, I had almost concluded that I have come to an age that "I'm too old to make new friends"...and THEN, 'IT' happened.  God sent us friends, not many, just two, but they identified with everything we experienced, for their experiences were similar to our own!  Friends that would encourage and love us, and we could do the same for them! 
As it turns out:  We were not that good at house parenting, on many levels, on others, we were excellent.  As it turns out, that "job" is 24/7, not complaining, at all, just sharing that fact. Because, we still needed to be parents and grandparents to our own children.  Those 'boundaries' were difficult to define, and not 'cross'...for all of us. 
As it turns out:  We moved to a small apartment 6 weeks before the girls finished their freshman year of high look for jobs.  And, in perfect timing...Randy found a job--with the help of people who love us.  And, so we, again, are re-locating.  And, that is wonderful--because we will only be about 40 minutes from our older kids, and those precious grand babies.  God is good.  And, He smiles at us and sees us in our messes....I know this first hand, for we have been in so MANY messes! 

As it turns out:  Randy and I really can cook...we proved that by preparing meals for 10 on a regular basis!  We also proved that we do not need near as much 'space' as we once thought!  We are living apart for the moment...and that is ONLY because he is already begun his job, and I am awaiting a place for us to live and move 'to'...and this time, while we are apart, I will be attending my summer intensive session in California.  My course work this semester is "Counseling the Addicted"...fascinating, but if you hear I am attending AA, it is for class purposes and not because I have taken to drink heavily. 

As it turns out:  I am finding more and more tidbits that I could share with you that I have learned and observed and experienced in the past 15 months.  Suffice it to say:  I will put it in some 'form' very soon!

Thanks for reading...and thanks for your constant encouragement!
 Have a fabulous June!  I know we are!