Friday, September 27, 2013

Passion & Transformation

What are you passionate about?  Is it something that makes you absolutely bounce out of bed in the morning?  It could be that you have a job that you love --or the anticipation of the completion of a project you have been working on, and now you get to see it come together --or you could be passionate about serving your family, and cannot wait to tackle meal planning and the laundry!  We all have different things that motivate us, don't we?

I listened this week to a man, in his sixties, discuss little children that have to do without because of the life choices that their parents make.  It is one thing to discuss it and end with, "Well, that's too bad!." My friend has a vision for transforming our community, helping it to become a safer place for little children to live, grow and learn...within our schools, churches and especially within their homes.  He and his friends are actually doing something...and their passion will be the vehicle that helps them to realize their goals.    

Our passions drive our goals, don't they?  So, again I ask you, what are you passionate about?  I love to hear about transformed lives.  How appropriate it is then, that this semester I get to study the Book of Acts and the life of Paul the Apostle.  In only three weeks, I have been challenged in so many ways.  Paul is certainly one of our best examples of a transformed life.  I mean really, he is first mentioned in Acts because he held the tunics of the men that stoned Stephen.  He was called Saul then, and after Stephen's death, Saul goes from house to house to persecute Christian people. Phrases like "breathing out murderous threats" were used to describe him.  Saul is met on the road to a place called Damascus one the risen Jesus Christ...and was struck blind.  After that, he was never the same again.   Saul was a Pharisee.  He was a Hebrew of Hebrews...Saul learned Torah (the Law) from the best teacher(s) of his time.  Saul knew Greek, and was also well-trained in rhetoric, or the art of persuasion.

Because of his background, he 'had' to reject Jesus as Messiah, because he had died on a cross--a sign to Jews that he was cursed...the Messiah could not be "cursed" of God...and yet, after Saul's personal encounter with the Living, (and Resurrected-from-the-dead) Jesus Christ...he believed, and his life was transformed.  Saul went from persecuting Christians to being one.  Saul's name was changed to Paul.  Paul traveled all over the known world, preaching first in Jewish Synagogues, and then to the Gentiles. He was methodical in his travels and in his approach to the new places he visited.  His ministry lasted between 30-35 years, depending on the scholar you read.  None of this is news to you, most likely...but sometimes, just for fun, or encouragement, or as a vehicle to re-kindle our passion...we just need to be reminded of the power that is ours, when we believe on the Lord, Jesus Christ. 

Paul went on to die a martyr's death...sobering to think about, isn't it?  And, like Paul, we have nothing to fear.  We can be more than conquerors--just as Paul encouraged the first century church--2,000 years ago.  Timeless message--for then and now--to transform lives.  The lives of those around you, or your very own life--but transformation is available!  That IS good news!  And, isn't it something to be passionate about??!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Goin' to Graceland--a little word about Authenticity!

        Elvis Presley’s influence on American men is truly a phenomenon.  I realized this when my sister and I visited Graceland a few years ago.  We laughingly took the tours, watched the videos and stood in awe gazing at the awards he had received.  
Later we discussed just how much our dad, during the 1960’s & 1970’s had sought to look, sound and act just like Elvis. Dad had been driven by what others thought his whole life.  The house, cars, wife and daughters were presented in perfect order to anyone who took notice.  It all came crashing down when, as I was planning my parent’s twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, he sat me down and told me he was leaving my mom for another woman.  That was a point of no return for me.  I would never again put up any sort of facade in any area of my life on purpose—authenticity became supreme for me in all my relationships and in all my dealings.
The facade for my dad remained until shortly before his death, when he realized the impact of his actions and his life.  However, just like “The King,” he died a very lonely, yet good looking young man.  Authenticity is the thing of life, the very thing, that will allow us to feel the delight of the Lord.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Anna--an Amazing Teacher!

"The big kids went with their mom to shop for school clothes.  Which means Anna gets to do what ever she wants--she's finishing off YOUR potato stix."  The reply, "That sounds about right!"

This was the texts between my husband &  I yesterday.

School starts for our grandchildren tomorrow!  A second grader and a kindergartner--at least one of them is excited!  They have an amazing mommy.  She planned the whole day as an outing especially for the three them-including lunch at one of their favorite non-fast food restaurants!  Precious!  One of my favorite things about this is that when they returned to our house, I got to see the runway performance of what cute elementary school kids are wearing to school this year!  LOVE it!

Another favorite thing was the time I got to spend with Anna (all by myself, you see, she has quite a population of aunts and grandparents)--she is funny because she's not yet two!  I handed her a cookie and I stood there amazed because of her prompt and correct "Thank You!"--music to my ears.

During Sunday's sermon about prayer, the point was made that we are to approach our Heavenly Father as a little child...As I think of Anna this morning, I have a sweet visual illustration for the sermon notes!

Sometimes I feel like her in MY Father's presence.  Because she is so young, her vocabulary is limited.  Because I am small compared to God, my vocabulary, in His presence, is limited, or it should be!  Anna walked toward the front door, and because I know her, I helped her open the door and we went outside to consider the rocks, the driveway, and the trees--at one point we considered the view of the traffic passing by--but mostly it was a quiet 'knowing' moment.  No words--or basic words of communication just content to feel the breeze on our faces and the view of the leaves swaying in our sight.  Just enjoying our time together, the two of us.  Precious. There are no other words to describe--and yet somehow thankful comes to mind as another word to use!

This is how we should approach Our God, the Creator of Heaven & Earth...the One Who IS Mighty to Save--yet knows how many hairs are on my head!--a small child filled with wonder over the smallest detail!  a small child, just to sit in His presence--feeling a sense of comfort, contentment and joy!  a small child, not really knowing the words to use, but knowing that the One Who knows my heart's desire and wants to bless me with good things!   a small child wandering around this world but doing it with the assurance that God has promised never to leave me or forsake me--indeed, He will accompany me outside the confines of my comfort zone and into a rich new world of life experiences!

I love the ways that we can learn about God through our every day life experiences--if we are looking to learn!  Teach me, O God--for I truly want to learn through this experience today, and always!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Happy Birthday, Cailyn!

Babies, especially newborn babies, there is nothing quite like their little sounds and gentle movements.  They are fascinating to watch.  They bring with them such awe and wonder.  I love their little stretches, their facial expressions and their precious newborn smell.

Our oldest baby was about three weeks old when I figured out that the back of my neck was actually sore from just holding her, and looking at her constantly--but such a good kind of pain--for she was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen.  Then, four days later, her cousin was born, and we had two beautiful babies to enjoy.  These two baby girls are all grown up now, having babies of their own,

It is true, the babies in our family are all the most beautiful I have ever seen.  Isn't that the truth, every mom or grandma, or aunt or great aunt, thinks their babies are the most beautiful...this is as it should be, for if you told the truth, you would say the same.

I think when we welcome, celebrate and rejoice when babies are born, we are acting from a place of profound hope.  The birth stories we share concerning our children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews...are sacred--because these babies give us a place in history--this particular time and this place. 

Today, I am feeling hopeful, because today, our family will grow because of baby being born!

Today, this day, our niece will have deliver her third baby.  Happy Birthday, Cailyn Grace!!!  She is being welcomed by her big brother, Clay, her big sister, Carsyn and her mom & dad--along with her grandparents, and her aunts and uncles.  She already is so blessed to be a part of such a family who already love her.  I love that we are counted among extended family members.  I do not like that we live in another state and we will not get to meet her right away.  I love that there is technology available, though, so we will be able to see her right away!  

We choose whether we want to have babies or not.  If we choose not to, we certainly have much time to do 'other things'--and that is fine.  When we choose to have babies, though, our lives somehow simultaneously slow down in order to enjoy, and speed up  in order to get it all done!

Through our children we learn a different perspective about life, don't we?  We have a better discernment, hopefully, for the truly important things in life.  I have learned my most valuable life-lessons because we have children.  Not that my children have taught me everything, but the experience of parenting, itself, has been an amazing educational process.  There are the extremes, happiness, joy, laughter and hilarious stories to tell, re-tell and enjoy.

There are the terrifying things, like illness, driver's permits, waiting in the moments when they are late for curfew...sending them out the door on their first sleep over when they are 6 or 7, and then again, when they go 'out' with friends in a car for the first time.  There are sad moments, like when they don't make the "team", or they feel their best friend betrayed them--or their boyfriend has stopped calling.  There are questioning moments like when the plumber has to pull the toilet, only to find that a cassette tape has been mysteriously flushed.  OR, when two little girls come in squealing about their new 'pet bird'...and they have actually roped a little bird with kite string--we still do not know how that happened.  There are ER visits for stitches and doctor visits for high fever.  There are sleepless nights--for all kinds of reasons.  There are contented sleep-filled nights, too, though like when the entire family is under one roof contentedly sleeping.

Another lesson to learn is how to tell a great story.  For example, stories about family members are great for our kids to hear.  When we turn good memories of our family members that have gone on before us into children's stories, we have given our children a sense of belonging, and a sense of their place in family history.  These stories are sacred to our families and should be told and re-told.

Yes, having children is a gift, but a gift that comes with great responsibility to help them find their identity and place in their family and within this world, as well.  Do it well...with passion and purpose...but do it well!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Hope in MY Waiting...

I have been dreaming of a week-long retreat of solitude for a few years.  You know the kind.  Going off by myself to contemplate life, write and read and relax.  I do not know if this is a selfish goal, or one that, because I feel it would be good for my soul, would help me become a better person.

As I think about it, a week in a monastery, while it might be the ticket to make this dream come true, might not work out in real life too well.  If you know me you know that I can be loud, and strange things/happening make me laugh out loud, so I might disrupt the peaceful rhythm of  a place of intentional quiet retreat.

As I am now two weeks past my surgery, I want to share a story with you.  Looking back, the days seem to run together, I have begun to call them "day ?" after the surgery.   I had many sweet and precious visitors while I was "in."

I realized around "day 7" that I had sort of experienced a week of solitude.  My time, of course, was spent recuperating.  However, I began to purposefully recount the unanticipated ways that I experienced the love of God through those around me, and within the "quietness" of my room, tethered to my beloved IV pole.

On day 4, a dear friend and her sweet little girl  brought me a beautiful bouquet of lavender and lilies from their own garden--so simple and so beautiful.  I chose to set this bouquet on an elevated shelf, so that I could enjoy them when I 'looked up.'

For me, day 6 was the most difficult day to experience.  As I prepared to go to sleep that evening I was pretty weepy, uncomfortable, and somewhat frustrated at my 'progress'...I thought my body should have been farther along in the healing process than it was, and I could not go home.  But watch, this is the fun part...

As I went to bed that night, I looked up at my flowers, and the beautiful yellow flowers had all closed up and wilted...some had even fallen onto the floor.   That pretty much was how I felt, too.  I prayed for a little while and fell asleep.

When I woke up on the morning of day 7, I felt great physically.  I asked for coffee right away, and as I waited for it, I looked up.  The most amazing thing:  two beautiful yellow lilies had opened up...the bouquet was restored to the way it looked just a few days before.  Somehow, that gave me so much hope.  I think of the oil of joy or beauty from ashes...bad attitude to good attitude...a selfish spirit traded for a heart of gratitude...

I was also reminded of a text that I had received from a dear friend that lives far away from me, "God sees you, and He loves you!"  God is not the lilies, but I think that because they opened up for my eyes to "see" I felt such comfort and peace, knowing that God had made those flowers for His pleasure, but on this particular morning, I got to experience that same pleasure.  And, reassurance of His love for me, and the fact that He truly does see me in every way!  I love that about Him!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Will YOU Ponder These Questions?

With your permission, may I ask some questions?  Are you curious about any of these things?
What is a good question?  Is the ability to ask good questions natural?

When we meet someone new, where do we begin with questions?  Should they be of a personal nature, or more broad?

Who do we know that is a really good person?  What makes them good?  What makes them really good?

What does a good life look like?  How do we get a good life?

How should we think about politics, politicians and political policy?
Should we be activists or pacifists?  Which is best, or is that a moment by moment decision?

What about economic growth or decline of our country/world?  What should we hope to see that politicians can actually do to stimulate economic growth?

Is the answer a larger minimum wage?  Or, is it bringing jobs back to America?
Does it have anything to do with the Immigration Reform laws?

Is funding for ObamaCare something of an answer to all our woes?  Did anyone on the planet ever actually read the entire ObamaCare document when it was passed in to law?  What are the consequences of shutting down our government?  Is it easy?  Is it difficult?  Are the ones that are arguing both sides really there for the people, or for their own political gain/position?

Does the average American really care who is running in "fourth place" in the NY Mayoral race?  Should we care?  Was Huma really humiliated?  Or, was the whole mess calculated, in advance, as a part of some political machine that she and her husband are putting together for the future?  If a female political figure conducted themselves in a ways that "Anthony & Bill, and many others" have conducted themselves, would there be a blip in the press, or a full blown scandal?

Is it important for me to 'do' anything about any of the answers to the previous questions?
What is my role?  What is your role?  Are you good person?  Are you a person striving to do your best?  Do you have a good work ethic?  Are you respected and trusted in the work place?  Do you strive to be Truthful?  Do you speak with malice or with grace?  Is your tongue controlled, or does it say things that it shouldn't?

What is your idea of helping those around you?  Do you even care about those around you?  What are you doing in your life that is most meaningful to you?  Is it your most favorite thing?  What are you doing to make a difference for future generations?  Is just simply "being a consumer" good enough?  Is living only for yourself each day really the most meaningful thing you can do?

Is there a way to live a rich, full life without focusing on our own personal preferences and comfort level, by putting the needs of others first?  Is it possible to be selfless in our society?

Is this too many questions?  Why did you read to the end?  

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Defy the Odds...

I am finishing two major projects for my summer semester.  In writing this post, I am hoping to sort out all the thoughts that are running through my brain!

I find it fascinating that with almost every course I have taken on this educational journey/pursuit, I have had the opportunity to live out, in my life, the subject matter.  It seems this semester is not different.  As I have faced each of my personal medical experiences this summer, I have been reading books concerning God, medicine/medical ethic issues and suffering.  (or, literally, the theodicy problem, which attempts to answer questions like, "Is God good?  If so, given the scope of suffering, can we think of God as all-powerful? (Long, p xi))  And, then the book that made visitors to my hospital room a little nervous, "The Christian Funeral."  Yep, that's me--the patient that wants to live well--but required reading, none-the-less!

The first morning of my hospital stay, after receiving my delicious breakfast of ice-chips--one of the two glasses of them that I received each 'shift'--my nurse asked me if I wanted the TV on.  "No," I replied, "I have some reading I want to do."  She said, "You gonna read a sexy novel, then?"

I am still laughing about that one--my answer was, "no, not really, it's actually homework."  Who takes their homework to the hospital with them?  I guess I have been packing books in my suitcase for so long that it has become a habit!

Anyway, I have so much to learn about medical ethics and the words to use in counsel from a ministry perspective, concerning suffering and pain.  What was a surprising realization for me was that the actual responsibility of medical professionals is to teach us, as patients, how to take care of our bodies, enabling us to live.  If life is not an option, then they teach us how to die with dignity.  Pretty sobering, isn't it?

As I prepared both, for my class work and for the days I would be in the hospital, I watched one of my most favorite movies.  The very first scene is simply "A True Story."  Of course, it is Hollywood, and there was probably some creative license taken, however, the real story did actually happen in history.

It is the story of the survival and leadership, in 1941-45, of the Polish Jewish Bielski brothers.  This band of brothers helped around 1200 people survive, in the woods, instead of face the massacres that awaited many of their family members. The movie:  DefianceThe brothers decided early on that their revenge, their act of defiance, would be to LIVE! How amazing is that?

And, no this movie is probably not on your church's list of family-friendly movies--but at a certain age, perhaps it should be!  Sometimes, you have to be radical to actually LIVE in this lifetime, expressing ideas and convictions that go against what the world would think as OK.  Telling the truth, for example, or living a life of fidelity with your spouse.  

I cannot imagine the horror the Jewish population faced in those years, the undignified ways in which many (most) faced death...and I will not pretend to think that my recent surgical inconvenience can begin to compare.  

However, my conviction remains, my heart breaks and my mind reels when I consider the ways in which many of us take this life for granted, each and every day.  

Live well--in each circumstance, by the Grace of God--defy the odds and live WELL!

Monday, July 29, 2013

The Whirlwind that has been July

What a beautiful morning!  Inside and out!  Recently, I have been reminded of the fragility of life.  You would think I would know this to my core, holding each moment as sacred.  Truly, until recently, I thought I was doing a pretty good job of living in the moment, not taking my relationships for granted.  Perhaps more than I needed a reminder, I needed to write about, we'll see how this goes:

Yesterday, we got an urgent request for prayer from a dear friend whose husband had had a mild heart attack...he had just been playing with his little girls, water games...thankfully, we live in a time and place where, with expert medical attention, within a couple of hours, he had a stint in place and was resting peacefully.  These are YOUNG people, with little girls--WOW!!!

July has been a whirlwind of unfamiliar, yet necessary, medical experiences and procedures for me, personally.  I will not share details here, but I will say that there were moments when 'waiting' was all I could do. Waiting to be seen, waiting to heal, waiting for test results, waiting for my system to wake up from a major surgical procedure.  Just waiting.  Worth the wait:  pathology came back "stage zero"--no treatment required.

I have cried, been frustrated, confined to a hospital bed, I have rested, relaxed, and had peace that surpasses understanding.  I have laughed, prayed, received notes, cards, flowers, a gorgeous and most therapeutic blanket.  Our children & grandchildren drew pictures, made cards and carefully hugged and kissed me.  Friends and family have faithfully called, texted, sent Facebook messaged, and came to visit.

I was discharged from the hospital on the eighth day--pretty much pain free--without the use of prescription drugs.  Today, I was told that I can drive my car, as long as I feel good.  How fun is that?  I do feel like I need to rest every couple of hours for this is the process of healing that I must not take for granted.

Mostly what I want to say, is that our bodies are amazing things--the symptoms I had, for my body was giving me subtle clues for a long while and I was not listening well--are all gone.  The lesson?  Learn to listen, life is fragile, and it is worth living!

And, today, the top is definitely coming down--it's a convertible kind of day, I think!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

A Pivotal Moment Due to a Random 3 by 5 Card

Do I really have anything to say today?  I am bleary eyed, and a little groggy from the lack of sleep this past week.  However, there is much to do today.  Why on earth would I take time to write in this blog when there are books to write, and respond to--there are probative questions to develop an turn in--and there is research to be done.  And yet, all I want to do is tell you about my week!  That is the great thing about this blog:  you can read it, or not!  Either way, I get to write!

First of all, many of the friendships I have formed at this school were deepened as a direct result of sitting through a week of class together!  The class, Rhetoric in Christian Leadership.  It was exhilarating, challenging, frustrating, exhausting and fun!  We had opportunities to 'think out loud'--it turns out, I'm pretty good at it, especially when I do not understand the question at hand.

We had opportunities to do extemporaneous speeches, where a question was written on a 3 x 5 card, we were told "go" at a certain point, and we had twenty minutes to prepare an answer...and  then a specific number of minutes to speak about that answer--forgive me the number of minutes is a blur of a memory at this point--7 or 10 seems correct.

We each had a partner (in my case there were three of us) to work together to script a mock radio talk show concerning out topic of choice.  We had to take the "opposite" stance of our "real" position on the topic, in an effort to formulate truly hard questions about our topic...what an exercise...punching holes in your side of any given situation is difficult, but healthy. To better clarify, we each wrote our name and topic on the back of a three by five card.  Each person then drew from the stack of these cards. For example, I drew my friend, Mike's card.  That meant that I took his position on his topic, and he asked my the hard questions about his issue.  

My topic was the current foster care system and the problem of kids who 'age out' of that system without adequately formed healthy adult relationships.  These kids, especially those aging out of a group home setting, are at great risk for homelessness, joblessness, illness, violent, addictions, lack of educational opportunities and early child-bearing.  These are very real concerns for our entire society--for there is something that can be done, and it is very simple, really.  However, that is not what this blog is concerning today.  I will write more on my topic later.

Thank with me, for what I am about to say blew me away.  I drew a card and this is what it said, "Why does a loving God permit pain and suffering?"  Yeah, let that one sink in for a moment.  We were given creative license to make up the qualifications of our guests, giving them appropriate credentials to speak about our the topic. As we practiced for my partner's interview, he did the opening to his 'show', introducing me and after my name he follows with "she's joining us this morning to talk about her new book on today's topic:   why Christians suffer".  I was shocked.

And, so I said, well, do you want the title to the book I am actually writing?  Of course, he took it and incorporated it into our show...and so, I was able to take my journal (that is my starting point of this book) and refer to it as we did the interview.  It was a blast.

This experience was surreal, in that it struck me as I answered his questions (and our 'listening audience who were actually a viewing audience were completely engaged)  this is to prepare me for when this really happens--sort of a rehearsal for life--but what a gift.

I do not know what the coming days look like, but I think that interview will not be my last opportunity to speak about love and loss, joy and pain, suffering and healing and where God might be while we go through these things on earth.  No, God is not finished writing my story.  And, He is not finished revealing to me 'the next thing' in my life!

Yes, teens that age out of the foster care system is a very real concern for me.  I am committed to raising awareness of the enormous opportunity we have to help in this crisis.  Yet, I can't help but think that many of them are there because someone in their life did not adequately process their grief and it took over--causing all kinds of havoc. And so, my bigger message concerns appropriate grief.

When our radio show finished, applause erupted, and many encouraged me by saying, "You have to write that book-- you have a message that needs to be heard."  I do believe that to be true.

But, for today, I will read about how to distinguish characteristics of people's world views (in order to be a better communicator)  and then do some reflective work about becoming a 'revolutionary communicator'...yes, I am truly in my element, and in this place for a reason...I'll keep you posted on the book, though!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

One More Mother's Day...

One more year.  Yes, one more year I have made it through Mother's Day.  That is a strange thing to say, you might be thinking, but trust me when I say--there have been some years that I did not think I could make it--the pain was too fresh.  Have you ever been there?  I am here to tell you that there is hope for new and brighter days--it's sort of like being in a place that is darkest just before the dawn...the pain will lessen--but cherish the memories, please.

For me, this past Mother's Day was delightful.  We were able to see our family for the noon meal...and laugh and eat and talk together.  (--sort of, the venue was pretty crowed and the tables that we got to sit in were round instead of rectangle--so we were sort of spread out, but it worked out just fine). 

One of my favorite things on Mother's Day is the cards, for they are always sweet...the girls do a pretty good job of writing what they are feeling at the moment--which always makes me tear up...and then we take pictures...of me with our girls, then the whole family together. 

For many years, in the 1980's and then through the beginning of the 1990's we would share the noon meal with my Grandma Sisk.  That gathering would usually include all the 'Sisk' cousins--of which none of them ever carried the last name of Sisk--and there were always babies to cuddle, and Grandma to make laugh.  Making Virginia laugh was never a difficult task--for she dearly loved life and loved to laugh.  She was really good at it, too!

Then, as our family transitioned from a small family to a LARGE family, we opted not to travel so much on this day, rather staying close to home.   Within eight years, the holiday became a bitter reminder for me of what was not to be.  When we sent Macy to Heaven, the day instantly became a symbol of frustration for what my life would never be again.  In some sort of twisted way, I felt like I had failed at mothering--because we were walking around with this hole in our family, for the one that was no longer here with us. 

Please do not mis-understand.  I love our family so much...and every moment we are together I the line between selfishness and nostalgia sometimes can gets murky.  For several years after our loss, I did not want to do anything to celebrate that day, truly I wanted to just skip it, for I simply did not feel very festive--and I did not feel worthy of any kind of 'honor' that the day is designed to offer.  I did try, though, on some level to join in but the day would begin and end with tears. 

This lasted for several years--and then one year, I decided to begin preparing for the day in advance.  I took to task to remember appropriately what a special gift we have been given in each of our children and grandchildren.  Each one needs to be celebrated and each one needs to understand how very much they mean to me.  The Truth is, I will be given all of eternity to celebrate with Macy.  And, while there is breath in my lungs I have a responsibility to celebrate those that are here with us now in a way that will be enjoyable and bring honor to Our God.

For the years ahead, I will strive to cherish the memories of all the Mother's Days I have lived.  I shared above about my Grandma.  What you may not realize is that she died on Thanksgiving Day 1991...and to this day, I do not go to a good place to eat without thinking of her--for not only did she enjoy laughing--she loved a good meal--and pie! 

The current Mother's Days will be fun to watch Alayna be lavished with precious hand-made gifts from her children--and the sweet words that they are prompted to write about her and to her on this day.   She is an awesome mommy and her children and her husband love to be with her.

I have much to be thankful for, and the time we have here on this earth is so short--I do not want to waste a minute feeling sad about 'what might have been'...for that is not reality! 

One last thing:  if you belong to the same "club" as me...I am sorry for your loss...but please try to approach Mother's Day with a different perspective than dread.  Please, cherish the blessing and the memory and enjoy those that are there with you now, for that is all we are assured of--right now

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

My Chains are Gone?

"We don't know each other any more.  An astonishing story." (a couple of Mike Barnicle's comments on  Morning Joe MS NBC 5/8/13)

These words were spoken in relation to the news story about three women kidnapped in 2002...and only now, in 2013, one escaped to draw attention to the rest in Cleveland, OH--some report that they had been chained by the waist, living in the basement of a house by three brothers for all this time. 

We are completely amazed how this could have happened in twenty-first century, United States of America.  The Land of the free, the Home of the brave.  Some are saying that police have been led to this house at various times throughout the years, but no action was taken.  How could this happen to young women, not little girls, young women, without someone noticing? 

I do not have any idea how it happened, and I'm pretty sure that there are details of this incident that we will never know. 

My questions range From:   how could three brothers do such a thing?  How could three young women 'stay'...did they even have a choice?  And, where were the police investigators-- the women were reported missing--at what point did the search for them stop?  Is it possible that no one saw anything, at all?

To questions along the lines of:  Could this kind of thing be happening in my town, in my neighborhood?  Or, in yours? 

We live in a generation where no one wants to get involved.  And do we, in this 21st century, really  want to get to know each other?  The next time you are in a busy public place just look around.  People are enamored, I might go so far to say obsessed, with their cell phones--no time for face to face conversation--there must be a screen involved...(think skype, snap-chat, etc.)  

On the other hand, we have information from around the world at our finger-tips through the technology of those phones.  As a matter of fact, I have downloaded an app that makes  my phone buzz to alert me of 'breaking news.'  (the DOW hit 15,000 yesterday, for example) 

And yet, our society remains uninformed...uninvolved and seemingly very lonely.  It was with great shock and awe that I listened recently to a group of students arriving for their class time with loud and rude comments and gestures--the class was called Interpersonal Relationships...really. 

I think of these three recently 'freed' women --free to live a life with out being chained by the waist.  Certainly in bondage.  But at the very same time, those students are in a form of bondage to an image they are trying to live up to--struggling to be accepted by their peers with their actions and words--only to make themselves and those around them more miserable.

We can be in bondage to our jobs, our addictions, our friends, our debt, our passions and/or our______(fill in the blank).  Indeed....just about anything that captivates us to the point that we can think of little else.  Indeed, we do not have to be chained by the waist in a stranger's basement to live in bondage and slavery, do we?  We can walk around as 'free people' and yet live in bondage.

One Sabbath, Jesus, while standing in the synagogue in Nazareth, read these words once written by the ancient prophet, Isaiah (61:1,2)

"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.  He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." (my emphasis)

Then he rolled up the scroll and simply sat down...with all eyes "fastened on him"...he began to teach them by saying, "Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing." (This account and Jesus' teaching that got him driven out of Nazareth are found in Luke 4:14-30)

The reason I write His words here is to share with you that the prophecy has truly been fulfilled!  There is a way out of bondage...we do not have to live as slaves...or captives...our chains can truly be gone, just like these three young women who's pictures we see on the news this morning. 

I once heard Sheila Walsh (Women of Faith Speaker) say, "Freedom is not the absence of bars, it is the Presence of God."  There is truth there.  Pursue Truth.  Pursue Freedom, through a personal relationship with God....freedom; recovery; release...the Lord's favor!  The message of hope--to a lonely generation...

Monday, May 6, 2013

"GRACE--More than we Deserve; Greater than we Imagine"

GRACE, the title of the most recent event in our Church's "Worship Through the Arts" effort!  I was a small part of the choir yesterday, as we rehearsed for an hour, then performed for an hour, took a break, and came back to perform once more in the middle of the afternoon.

I want to pause for a moment, because his name did not even appear on the program, to acknowledge and say thank you --to Phillip WalthallPhillip, thank you for your leadership, your courage, and for the way that you obviously are trusting God's hand of provision in this ministry of music and arts that you direct.  Thanks, for allowing God to use your talents and for sharing them with the part of the Body of Christ that meets at First Baptist Church, Vincennes.

Yesterday, as I stood singing songs of worship and praise--I couldn't help but reflect on how thankful I am for the Grace that God has extended to me individually, to my family corporately and to this church that He has allowed us to currently call 'home.'   

Just one of the lines we sang, and indeed the message of the Gospel, is that God has "turned my tragedy to glory--for this is my grace story!"  Don't you just love that about Him!?

The effort yesterday, didn't just happen--it took thought, planning and practice.  Not to mention all the logistics for setting up and tearing down--even re-locating regular Sunday morning services to the gym for the morning.   

Let me be clear, though, I'm speaking from the 'third row soprano' experience.  Within that experience there were hours of learning the notes, tempos, rests and timing.  Not to mention learning 'how' to breathe and 'when' to breathe, as well.  Phrases of the songs have played over and over in my mind these past many weeks. 

The choir worked independently to memorize the words of each of song.  And, then the day came--the day that no one, except maybe Phillip, was looking forward to:  the day that we were to sing without books....And you see, even though it was scary to miss-call words--or not have the exact note that was written on the page--we had to keep it in perspective. 

For weeks we practiced with recorded music.  And, then the day came that the musicians were added; this meant that there would be no more CD accompaniment.  From my chair, I could only hear drums and a little bit of the piano...and the sopranos singing on my right and on my left.  Even though this sounded less than right to me, I had to trust that the sound technicians were blending it all together to make it pleasing to the audience.  Indeed, if the sound had been mixed to be most pleasing to my ear, it would have sounded like a mess to the masses.   

After the musicians were added, there were added these beautiful elements of worship that enhanced the words of the message the choir would sing.  The choir did not have a part in preparing those that presented a message through sign language, a worship dance, solos, voice ensembles and a personal testimony.  Each one, though, was placed at just the right moment to beautifully continue the timeless message of GRACE. 

From lights, sound, video and video efforts to each note played by the was not to be for me, because I had a part--small as it was from the third row--not the whole, and that is as it should be.  If I had spent my time listening for the drum to miss a beat, or for the altos to miss a note, my focus would have been on the wrong thing.   

Think of it like this I could have had a miserable time yesterday if I had focused on the fact that I truly desire to learn to play violin--I could have become jealous and envious of the gifting of those that played the stringed instruments so beautifully--neglecting my part on the third row. OR, I could have played the violin yesterday, without any training or preparation, and that would not have helped the beauty of the performance in any way, in fact it would have messed it up pretty bad!  I would have become completely frustrated with myself, and perhaps with God for not letting me do a different part. (not to mention a huge embarrassment to everyone involved!)

Collectively all our parts were important--because the message of GRACE was/is the most important thing--as an offering of Praise to God Almighty--the very author of GRACE.--the One who turns our tragedy to glory! 

And that friends, is a microcosm of the Church--the Body of Christ, the one that He bled and died for so that we could be given this GRACE that we all sang about yesterday...and hopefully are living today!

Within the Body of Christ, the Church, we have a part, and it is uniquely ours.  Many times, from our place (think third row soprano section) the work of the church looks 'off' or it doesn't 'sound right'...(someone hits a wrong note, or a part of the whole seems louder than the others)...We learn from one another--we encourage one another--but we must still be responsible for our part of the work of the Church...not comparing ourselves to the others or becoming jealous because their part looks more like something we'd like to do. 

We should not be jealous or envious of each other because of our part; we need to prepare our part to the best of our practiced ability to bring glory and honor to Him.  (think of my desire to play the violin)

By His grace we have been His grace we live and move and His grace, we can be a gift to the Body. 

Now GO:  sing, dance, play the violin, or type words into a it all for God's Glory, because ultimately:  HE Is the Audience!!



Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Today, I am thankful for my husband...

Yes, today I am particularly thankful for my husband.  Today is our thirty-second wedding anniversary.  I could only imagine what our lives would look like at this moment, as I spoke those all important vows that evening.   Let me just say, even though our lives look nothing like I had anticipated back then. 

Today, in particular, I remember us as truly young, with our 'future before us'--as so many of our wedding greetings indicated.  We had a great support system way back then.  Both our parents loved us, and our siblings--we had an amazing 'home church'--and shortly after the wedding, we found at church that would become 'ours' for the next twenty years. 

We have traveled many miles, by car, plane, bus and the occasional subway.  We have visited many places--interesting, beautiful and relaxing--depending on the place.  Randy truly loves to 'go'...sometimes it doesn't eve matter 'where'--just away from here!

We have attended weddings of family and friends.  Family reunions, while not consistently held, if there has been one planned we would usually show up.    We have enjoyed deep and satisfying friendships with amazing people.  Sometimes even traveling with other families to fun destinations--Colorado to ski, or 6 Flags over Mid-America--for example.  And, while we love people--all kinds of people--many times we are satisfied just to be together--learning and exploring the world around us. 

Our marriage would not be what it is today if we had not had children.  Five daughters--WOW--it takes a special man, with nerves of steel, to live with that much estrogen...the first clue was when I woke up from a little nap, just after our first baby was born, and he was rocking this precious baby girl, our Alayna, and singing in her ear, "Every good and perfect gift, comes down from above!"  He is such a good dad. 

He would help on Sunday mornings with getting the girls ready--when there were only Alayna & Holly--except for hair bows & braids.  When the twins joined our family, we would get together for 2am feedings--he would go downstairs to warm two bottles, I would change two diapers, and then we would both rock and feed a baby...precious memories.  And, then there were five.  Some of the sweetest memories of him caring for me in 'sickness' was during my recovery just after Macy was born.  I was almost forty when we got to have her--I didn't 'bounce back' as quickly--he helped so much to keep everything going in the house....and worked more than 'full time' at his job. 

And, then the darkest days happened....those, of course, were caused in the void in our home that losing little Macy brought.  But, we faced it together, tears in our eyes, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder...and we recognized it for what it was:  an attack from our enemy to try to destroy us.  We came through it, closer than ever--but it aged us a lot.  And, for that I can be thankful, I think.

And then after a time, our mourning was truly turned to joy, as our family grew some more.  We are so thankful for our son-in-law...the understanding and humor that he brings to our family, as the love of Alayna's life, mean that we are blessed beyond measure.  And, while their marriage is a gift to our family at is their family as a whole, including their three precious children that complete the gift that they are to us.  While Will, Ally and Anna do not 'replace' Macy--they certainly fill the void!  And, it is amazing to have their artwork to enjoy!  And watch as they grow and learn.

And so, while each day of the past thirty two years has not been complete bliss...I would be correct in saying that each day over the past thirty two years has had some source of laughter in it...and lots of "I love you"'s in it...and that helps make this life worth living.  Even through hard moments, we have tried to cheer each other up, and remind each other that we do, truly, love each other!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! Oh, what a day to celebrate!  It is so much 'more' than bunnies, and chocolate...isn't it?  Consider--An empty tomb--we CeLebRatE because Jesus defeated death. 

This Truth gives us a way to be reconciled to God--the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob.  The Creator of the Universe--yet lover of my very soul.

Our family celebrated together today.  Alayna, her family & Holly met us at "our" church this morning.   I love that our whole family was able to worship together in the same place.  We do not get to do that each week, as we once did, so today I am truly thankful to sing praise songs with the voices of my kids singing loudly beside me!  Especially, Ally's sweet four year old voice, even though she may not have gotten all the words in the right order--the heart was certainly 'there'!!! 

After a loud/eventful meal, (remember there are 10 of us, and everyone talks at once) it was time for the "littles" to hunt for eggs....It was warm enough that they could go outside with bare feet--so they did. 

While they opened the eggs to find the treasures, the we had a long discussion about hopes & plans for our collective futures...and then at Will & Ally's request some of us played a spirited game of LIFE--hilarious--(while the baby slept).

The perfect end to the day--leftovers in front of the TV version of Disney's Beauty & the Beast...this movie has been a family favorite since before the twins were born! 

We are so blessed to celebrate in freedom and enjoy time with all our kids. 

...May God Bless you for Reading...

Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Break--and a Trip Down Memory Lane...

Yes, it is spring break where we live.  I don't know about you, but when I think of that holiday, I think of pedicures, flip flops, the beach (maybe) and a really good book to read.  Not this year.  No, this year, I am staring out the window at about two inches of snow, and flurries are filling the grey sky.  It is truly lovely.  Just a little unexpected for this late date.  If you have read this blog before, you know all too well my take on weather.  It is always wonderful--no matter the color pallet or the for of precipitation--I'm thankful to have air to breathe!

Today marks ten years since we lost Randy's mom.  It is hard to believe that it has been that long--and there are moments in time, even this past week, when we just missed her.  She answered to a variety of names--from Bernita, to MawMaw...Her name was Bernita Jean--but she would always laugh about a neighbor lady from her childhood that would call her that her Vernita Jane...who knows?  I find it hilarious.  This little girl, Bernita, grew up to marry Bernard.  Yes, hilarious.  Especially in light of the fact that I grew up to marry their youngest son, and my own parent's names were Fred & Freda. 

Bernita always had great stories about times gone by.  There was the story of a family member's house burning down, or the time a neighbor man brought her family a jar of honey.  He held it out to them with filthy hands, as he excitedly explained that he had harvested it with his own hands.  She once showed me her first grade report card--not to look at the grades so much, but to realize that when she was 6 years old, her teacher had put her name at the top, "Bernita Bishop"--not her last name at all, but it would become Bishop--ten years later!

Anytime I hold one of our precious grand babies, I think of how much she would have enjoyed getting to know them.  She loved babies, and they knew it.  Our kids have great memories of her, her kitchen and the million cups of hot chocolate she fixed them after they would go for a swim in the pool.  As she would hold them or hug them, she would say, "Bless you, baby."...good good memories.

I do regret that I didn't take her cooking instruction more seriously.  She could make a feast out of nothing--a talent that I never acquired.  She was a great example of a woman who knew herself well, was comfortable in her own skin, and worked very hard to help provide for her family. 

I also regret the fact that I did not cultivate my love for a good cup of coffee until after her death.  Mostly because we spent many Saturday mornings setting the affairs of the world straight, her drinking her coffee, and me drinking either hot or cold tea.  It seems that it would have been better to have enjoyed coffee with her, somehow. 

For today, I am going to do my best by drinking a good, hot cup of coffee--and be at peace living in this world, for now. Some days, though, it would be nice to sit across from her, and laugh and talk and ponder what it all means, or meant.  Loved her so much.  Thankful for the times we had. 
Bernita Jean Bishop 10-25-25 -- 3-25-03.

Friday, February 22, 2013

About Fog and a Nomadic Lifestyle

School delay today.  It is important to have a school delay, for this morning visibility is extremely limited due to fog.  Thick, fluffy, fog.   The girls get to sleep in--how wonderful for everyone! 

Sometimes I think we need to pray for the fog to be lifted, don't you?  Do you ever feel like your ideas, thoughts, dreams are unclear-foggy?  I do.  I do a lot.  I was reading in the book of Numbers this morning. Maybe because of my years, or maybe because of the focused time that I have been given to study.  But this morning a couple of things occurred to me.  As I have talked about before, life is all about 'change', and if we spend our time whining that 'we don't like change' then we are going to miss a good portion of our life--through out complaining.

If you are like me, I sometimes think that if I had been wondering around in the desert, following Moses, I would never have complained, I would have just seen the plagues and the parting of the Red Sea--and fresh manna every morning.  And, I would keep in mind that 'the Promised Land' was coming. 

Plus, from my vantage point, thousands of years later, I know that they do, indeed, enter the Land.  Of course, many didn't make it 'in'--not Moses, Aaron or Miriam--or ten of the twelve spies sent to Canaan...or the original people that left Egypt...Do not miss the point here:  God was not being 'mean' by not allowing them to possess the Land, no, this was the consequence of their sin--the constant complaining, whining and sowing seeds of dissension.  Rememeber?  They did not trust Him, or the man that He placed over them, Moses.  However, the ones born during the years in the desert, the Israelite nation as a whole, did get to enter the land flowing with milk and honey.

The Land was promised long before the Israelite nation existed or exited from Egypt.  Remember, their Father Abraham was promised that his offspring would be as numerous as the sand.  He and his family lived as nomads, in tents, traveling throughout their lives.  And, for this season realted in Numbers, the Nation of Israel became nomadic, as well--traveling and living in tents--for forty years.  For even though they lived as slaves in Egypt, they had routine, they knew what their day to day life looked like--we humans like routine and predictablity, don't we?  On the move, though, they had to be instructed about everything--they were given specific instructions about their posture toward God, their relationships with each other, how to live thier lives.  They were given specific instruction about where to make their camp in realtion to the tabernacle, where the Lord's Presence Dwelt among them!

The 'worries' of Abraham and Sarah had been about how and when they would actually receive that baby that God had promised them.  They did not seem as concerned about where they would get their next meal, or drink of water.  The Israelites were very concerned about the quality and variety of food, and their water supply--and were not shy about making their concerns known to Moses. 

In the desert, God taught the Israelite nation that He is faithful--that He can be trusted for their basic needs, but above all, he expected obedience and their personal holiness--and He intended to bless them, with a land not their own, that they would possess. 

What about us?  Do we need to be taught any lessons?   My family & I have a little experience at living a sort of modern-day nomadic lifestyle.  No, we didn't live in tents--or hunt for, kill and eat our food, or have to dig wells for fresh water--but at the same time, we lived for a little over a year without a 'home' to call 'our own'. We learned many lessons about trusting God's provision--His timing--and His grace. 

My friend, Ian, once said, "Don't sin in the desert--you'll be there longer!"  True?  I think so, if we don't learn in a timely manner, we may not even make it out of the dessert.  We need to learn the life-lessons as we go.

In order to recognize the lesson and learn it--we must possess clear thinking--so, Ask for the fog to be lifted from your thinking, Ask for God to bless your effort at thinking clearly--and Ask for wisdom to know 'the next thing' to do--for we know that God is faithful.  Remember, we have been told that if we delight ourselves in the Lord, He will give us the desires of our heart!--The clearer He becomes to us, the more we love Him--the more our desires line up with His--and He will bless. 

Take a lesson from Numbers--pursue personal holiness--pursue a life where you are not complaining or grumbling, but enjoying God's provision--remembering that it may not look exactly like we expected!  Live your life in obedience and expectation.  Be Blessed.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Can Life be BOTH?

Both, what?  Both refreshing and busy?  I have been refreshed to the point that I am eager to 'get on with it'...and very busy in that pursuit.

The refreshing part came from the two weeks I spent recently in Redding, California.  The first week, I got to connect with good friends, and focused time learning.  That week, I deepened my knowledge of the wisdom literature contained in God's Word--or, Pursuing Wisdom

Let me just say that I will never approach the book of Proverbs in the same way again!  I have a deeper appreciation for the Song of Songs, and somehow, the Book of Job.  What a difference focusing on this topic has made--I still have so much to learn--but I have a couple of projects to put together that will help in that respect.  Also, this class time was unique in that we were able to, with the wonder of modern technology, have about 14 students join us each day from their classroom in Missouri!  What an amazing tool--and an amazing time to be alive!

My week end was spent doing home work (and, of course, laundry!)  I did get to enjoy the sunshine a little--but mostly I had much to finish from my week of wisdom, and a little to do to prepare for the coming week. 

My second week of class, I studied Events in Church History --there is much to be said about what we can learn by studying the past, giving a new lens by which to view and consider the future.  Do you realize that one of the stabilizing factors, when the Roman Empire fell, was the Church?  The Church at that time was well organized, and was a place that dis-placed people could look to for stability and strength.  What does that say to us in 2013?  I think it says a lot. 

How stable is The Church today?  Allow me to be clear--I am talking about the Body of Christian believers everywhere

How effective is the church today at representing Christ to others?  How effective is the church today to ministering--truly ministering to people's deepest need?  Come on church--wake up--the fields are ripe for harvest--people are obviously searching for something--just consider the news headlines.  We know that something is Truth and truth.  If you do not know the difference, you should.  Be reminded--God has prepared things for us to do that will bring Glory & Honor back to Him--this should be our main concern.  What am I supposed to do today, in light of the fact that Jesus bled and died and rose again for me to able to live?  What is it? 

We can begin by taking serious, the things God has placed before us to do today. If you serve on the board of your church, or you are in a volunteer position in ministry--get the cob-webs out of your thinking.  Ask for wisdom and clarity of thinking.  Be honest in your dealings--strive to live a life of integrity--through and through--for we are running out of time to make a difference. 

NO, I am not predicting gloom and doom--but if there is breath in your body--you know that life is fleeting--and we never know if we even have tomorrow.  Get busy today. 

Remember--tell the truth to each other--stop lying and, stop covering up other people's lies.  This is HUGE.

Take your role in the Body very seriously--the blood of martyrs should speak to you about how very seriously those in the early church took theirs--be inspired and do something radical.  Radical would be to demand honesty from fellow members in the Body, especially those that serves as leaders. 

We are called to obedience--that includes keeping your tongue from gossip or slander--and it calls for expecting your leaders to lead well--not just go with the flow--this is serious business.  Sometimes leaders quote to "desire to be a leader is to desire a good thing'  And, it is but sometimes, in certain cases, we fail to remember that those words were written at a time when persecution and death were very real to those that chose to lead.  --Yet Paul tells us that to desire to lead is a good thing--even if you are called to die for because you do it.   

Stop and think about it--are you radical enough to take your place as a 'board leader' or 'minister of the gospel' or 'ministry volunteer' to truly live and model a life of integrity--which sometimes means that you will be called to do extremely difficult things--like telling the truth and/or not making decisions based on monetary means.  I'm just saying that we each need to take our life and our role on the board or team very seriously as we are representing Christ.  Then, as a bonus, not if, but when things crumble--the Church will be stronger for our effort at pursuing and demanding integrity now! 

I'm not scolding you--actually on the contrary--I want to encourage you!  I am concerned for future generations--my children and grandchildren need to see me live a life of integrity before them--and a life of faith before them--that is the stuff spiritual heritage is made out of...and it will do us all good to pursue that in unity--no matter your denominational heritage. 

I have to stop writing now...for I could literally write all day--oh, wait--that's the 'busy' part of my title.  Very busy now, in this season to finish my coursework--so, for today, I must prioritize my efforts to study and then write about what I've studied.  I am thankful for this opportunity to study--and thankful to you for reading this blog. 

So, now, go and get serious about your role, and Be especially blessed today, and always!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Brithdays and Mexican Food

Birthdays, this is the month of birthdays in our family...Today would have been Macy's 12th birthday, but to her daddy & I she will always be 3...

Our family always goes to a specific Mexican place to eat and laugh together on her birthday.  Today we did not do this--for we were all together yesterday for lunch.  Today, it is really cold and rainy--a good time to stay in an contemplate life.

I have only cried once today...but I think there were more tears than that shed by others in our home--who will remain nameless, here.  However, I think tears are a really good thing--they are good for your soul and for your complexion and sometimes, even help to adjust our attitudes!

Today I am reminded of that precious little baby that we welcomed in to our home...our home that already seemed to be brimming with girls--we added one more--proving that you never 'run out of love' when you add another child to your life--the love just keeps growing for all of them--at once!

May God richly bless you for reading this blog...for praying for our family...for loving us...and mostly for giving us Hope that we can boldly proclaim:  Jesus is LORD!
For today, these words from the book of Isaiah spoke to my heart--I won't write anything after I share them--just know that they spoke to my heart--read them s l o w l y and perhaps, I'm praying, that they will speak to yours, as well...

Sing for joy, O heavens, and exult, O earth; break forth, O mountains, into singing!
For the Lord has comforted his people and will have compassion on his afflicted.
But Zion said,"The LORD has forsaken me; my Lord has forgotten me."
(Thus says the Lord...)
"Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb?
Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you.
Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me." 
Isaiah 49:13-16

Friday, January 11, 2013

Speaking of Neighbors

With his mouth the godless destroys his neighbor, but through knowledge the righteous escape.  … A man who lacks judgment derides his neighbor, but a man of understanding holds his tongue.(Pr 11:9 & 12)

Who is your neighbor?  Our next door neighbor and I share the same home town in Southern Illinois.  We didn’t know each other way back then but we know a lot of the same people and share memories of ‘hometown’ traditions.  The Sunday school definition of “our neighbor” is usually along the lines of anyone we meet…everyone is our neighbor.  And, while that is true, we are closer to some of our neighbors than others, aren’t we?  Whether by distance, or by relationship, we just know some people better than we know others. 

Later this evening some of my favorite people on the planet will be visiting us—people we have known for many years, people we have shared victories and defeats with, we have been present when our babies have been born and when we have buried our loved ones.  Truly our neighbors, but the majority of them live a distance from us.  Yet, the proverbs above remind us how we are to speak of our neighbors.    

It truly matters how we speak about one another.  It is important that we spend time reconnecting and connecting the dots of our lives since we last saw each other.  It will be fun to come to a greater understanding of each other, for since the time we were last all together, many changes and challenges have happened in our lives.  My hope for this evening is that we will honor God with our conversations, as well as encourage one another. 

In conversation, the words we choose to use are important and the tone with which we use them is equally, if not more, important—isn’t it?  When we speak of others we must be mindful of what our listeners might be hearing that we are not verbalizing.  This has been a difficult lesson for me, one that I am still working on, but have not mastered—for sometimes my words take detours that they should never have taken.

These proverbs were among those I read this morning.  They screamed out to me in particular because I do not intend to speak without knowledge or from a place that lacks understanding.  However, it is easier just to speak first, and attempt damage control later, isn’t it?  At least that’s where we work from sometimes.  I know that there have been times that I have not always sought to understand before trying to be understood.  I have not always had all the knowledge I have needed to effectively speak in to a situation.  And, unfortunately, I do not know everything—I know that is hard to believe, but it is true!  One of the lessons I am trying to practice is to be slow in speaking—and that is a challenge for me, for I dearly love to speak!

For me to apply these proverbs in my life isn’t about knowing or understanding everything as much as it is about holding my tongue.  Not speaking before I have at least a greater understanding, and a deeper knowledge of the motivations/reasons that my ‘neighbors’ (loved one, friend or even strangers) do the things they do.  Without knowledge and clear understanding, we can destroy or deride the person we are speaking of…so stop talking and listen. 

And, in those words I am reminded of another proverb that says: When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise.  (Proverbs 10:19) 

For today, let’s make an effort to hold our tongues, in an effort to edify our neighbor—not destroy.  When we hold our tongues, we have more time to seek understanding and knowledge—for this is wise!

BE wise. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

On Rain and Being Thankful

“Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.  Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”—Ephesians 5:19-20 (italics added by me)

When we are thankful, we are able to focus on something or someone other than ourselves.  When we are sad, or when we are grieving—especially when we are grieving—it is good to find a place of thankfulness for our thoughts.  When we cultivate this, it is an exercise in renewing our minds that Scripture encourages us to do…so let’s try it this morning…

Rain.  I love it—the very sound of the word is gorgeous.  Rain.  I love to listen as it hits the roof.  And rain.  This is the stuff that rapidly melts the left over snow.  And, let’s face it, a snow storm on the ground for two weeks has lost a little of its beauty.  In fact, after two weeks, most of the piles of snow have become grey and dingy.  And so, the rain is a gift to clean up the landscape, and rid our view of the grey leftover mounds!

Today, it is to rain most of the day.  That is fine with me, for I do not have to work outside.  For those of you who face that kind of day: wrap up, and put on your rain gear! 

Weather—it’s ever changing and certain, sometimes surprising, but always gorgeous in its own way.  Savor and patiently enjoy the changes—for the current situation will change soon enough.

Today, I am thankful for the view, a front row seat to see the weather changes.  I am thankful for the rain, and a roof that does not leak.  I am thankful for Madison & Mallory—who have always added their own element of surprise to our family.  They are precious to me, and in the sight of the Lord.  I am thankful for Holly Ann, for she brings her own brand of humor and excitement and places much value on a good long nap, or movie, and sometimes both at once.  I am thankful for Alayna, for she also has her own brand of humor, common sense and clear convictions for right and wrong, and is not afraid to express herself.  I am thankful for Wesley, for he is patient with all of us, he brings laughter and wisdom beyond his years to our family conversations.  The two of them together are good parents, with a conviction to make certain that their children know they are loved.  And, oh my goodness, I am thankful for those little ones—Will with his all the sudden toothless smile, Ally with her DIVA-like traits, and Anna and her all the sudden smile that contains teeth! 

And, today I am thankful for my husband, who works so very hard for us to all get along, and love each other.  He also works very hard at his job, for which we are also thankful in these economic times.  This is a man who rarely complains, and is pretty quick to find the humor in most situations…often we laugh for the most obtuse reasons, that only the two of us will understand. 

I am thankful for the school the girls are attending—and the fact that we can be there in just a few minutes.  I am thankful for vehicles that are in good working order—and thankful for my driver’s license, (for to obtain that was a labyrinth of requirements, two trips to the BMV—and much studying). 

I am thankful for the wisdom that has come to me from grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and parents who have spoken in to my life—sometimes indirectly, and sometimes in very direct ways—wisdom that helps formulate a better approach to life. 

Now, make a thankful list and then, do not be shy about telling someone that you are thankful for them, and why you are thankful for them—people need to hear good things—especially affirmation and encouragement.  Today.  Start with today.  Be encouraged.  Be Thankful.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Book Ends--Somehow, it makes Sense

The blank pages of my grief journal were filled in, yesterday.  I began that little journal a little before my grandpa died in 2007, and it will be closed with my grandma’s death, 2012.  I have not written my perspective about her life in it but I soon will.   These events are like book ends—many memories and much writing between.   

This past Saturday, (between my grandma’s funeral on Friday and our girl’s birthday party on Sunday) I packed up all our Christmas decorations from this past season.  That process had come to a complete halt due to the two feet of snow that had to be waded through to get to our shed where all the decorations are stored.  This delay was OK with me, for I dearly love Christmas decorations! 

As I began packing, I was reminded of my maternal Grandma, Virginia Sisk.  I was reminded of her because our Christmas tree was decorated in red and gold, with tassels and bows, cardinal birds and bird nests.  Virginia loved cardinals –so they were sort of in her honor.  Another part of the decorations on that tree were made way back before ‘recycle, reuse, repurpose’ was popular, by my paternal great grandma, Lucille (AnnaBelle’s mom) and me.  She loved to crochet and she loved craft projects.  One day in the middle 1970’s, she and I worked all day crocheting Christmas ornaments.  They were red and green circles—yarn crocheted around coffee can lid-rims, and then little bells attached in the center.  (I know, but they look better than that sounds—and I have the memory of working with her!)

This past Saturday, as I placed the ornaments carefully in the storage container, I was overwhelmed with a wave of emotion.  It somehow made sense all of a sudden that I would be grieving AnnaBelle as I packed up the decorations from celebrating our first Christmas in our new home, 2012.  This, too, seemed to be another type of book end to losing my grandmas.

The last time we purchased a home was in the summer of 1991.  As I unpacked Christmas decorations that year, I was grieving the loss of my sweet Grandma Sisk.  Grandma was excited to come spend Thanksgiving Day that year, at our new house, for she hadn’t been able visit since our move.  That morning my mom went to pick her up only to find that she had already left.  She was 87, still lived on her own; she had gotten dressed and then, peacefully went to Heaven—what a merciful way to go—what a shock for those of us left here without her!

As the Christmas season opened that year, I would unpack a box of decorations and cry…(I can also remember crying as I used my crock pot during those days—for that was an ‘engagement present’ she purchased for Randy & me as soon as she heard that I had an engagement ring—eleven years before!)  I was crying for my loss, not the fact that grandma was in Heaven…just that we missed her!

And so, the opening of one Christmas season, and the closing of another—twenty-one years apart…somehow, it makes sense.  For this season of my life, our life as a married couple is a season to make memories with our own grandchildren.  And, someday, they will be writing or talking, I hope, about G-Mar and Grandpa…and, I can Only Imagine!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Over Thinking Birthdays....

The answer is YES!  The birthday cake was so cute, and it was so good—for the Best Birthday EVER! 

The girls had a full, fun day with family and friends—just celebrating.  Yes, they are seventeen—those years have gone by quickly.  However, I do want them to continue to grow up, because that is what happens to our children if they are healthy and alive—they grow up!

Perhaps I would not be so sensitive to this, if I did not have a child in Heaven that will not celebrate her twelfth birthday, attend middle school, high school, a prom or graduation—from any educational institution—we will not walk her down the aisle on her wedding day.  So, parents, if you can hug your little ones right now, breathe in, enjoy the moment (for it is fleeting) and lean in to their growth—celebrate every milestone.  The alternative is that they either have health issues that prevent them from developing normally—or they have left this life as children—please do not take this for granted, value them as they are for this day!

I heard the “new week end guy” (forgive me, for I do not remember his name) on Fox News yesterday morning say something that struck me.  The three of them were having their own little “gun control” debate.  The new guy mentioned that when the Twin Towers on 9/11 were destroyed, killing 3,000, we did not demand that airplanes be outlawed or banned—for those were the weapons used in tragic event.  They all were commenting that the focus is on the weaponry instead of actually finding out the ‘reason’ that such heinous crimes are committed in the first place, basically don’t blame the weapon, investigate the motivation of the one (or ones) that take innocent lives.  Because I am simple minded, I think the short answer would be that our society has ceased to instill and uphold a value system that includes valuing human life.   

Human life is sacred, and yes, we weep and mourn when our loved ones die.  I am not talking about that –I’m talking about selectively valuing a few—this spills over to those that would brutally kill and then turn a gun on themselves (was that person ever valued?)  There are many aspects to consider about that sentence, but one keeps coming to my mind, I’ll explain why in a moment.  Consider for a moment the attitude society has cultivated since the Roe v Wade ruling concerning the value of human life. 

One of the things that ruling establishes is that we have a ‘right’ and in some cases a ‘responsibility’ to be selective about which human life we honor (from unborn babies, to the elderly—for that ruling has opened us up to think about the quality of life questions, as well) and allow to draw in breath. 

That is a dangerous road to travel, for whom do we trust to make those decisions?   Politicians and drug designers would say that it is the choice of the woman about what she does with her body.  However, her choice goes away if she abuses her little child after it is born.  It all connects, somehow—wait and see—or don’t wait—just get on your knees and pray for restoration of the value of human life. 

This issue is close to my heart because it is birthday season in the Bishop home.  The twins were born on the 6th, Macy was born on the 13th and Randy on the 20th of January—a birthday celebration every week for three weeks.  These three weeks give me time to think and reflect about such things…and, the reason for this sentimental journey?   As I consider these past seventeen years, I have to remember that the girls were born on the 6th, I am their mom, but I didn’t even know that they had entered this world until the 8th!  They could have been aborted, but they were not…they could have gone to other parents, but they did not… 

We had been praying for the child/children to be placed in our care for at least 1-1/2 years before their birth…God certainly blessed us with them.  Four years after we welcomed them into our family, I find myself pregnant, just before I turned 39….abortion certainly was an option for me…never a consideration…

No, I felt honored that I had been given such a gift.  And, you know what?  The reaction from people as we moved from a ‘normal sized family’ to a large family…was not always pleasant, sometimes even scornful.  It is such a good thing that I really didn’t care what people considered OK, for it just doesn’t matter.   I knew that our family was blessed—truly blessed with life, and that is valuable!

I am probably over thinking this (that would not be out of the realm of possibilities) but last Friday afternoon, we buried my dear ninety year old grandma.   A woman who made you feel better about yourself just by having a conversation with her—no matter who you were to her—friend or family, stranger or not. 

I can remember Grandpa as he aged saying that the respect and concern for his well-being that he received from medical professionals lessened with each passing year—as if medical treatment was valued for those much younger, that is the impression he was left with during hospital stays and medical procedures.  There’s something wrong with this picture. 

There are those that would argue that after a certain point, elderly folks have nothing to offer our society and are a ‘drain on the resources’—of course I believe that stance will change as those who hold that view have more and more birthdays!

The insight and wisdom that can be gleaned from forming relationships with those that are elderly is invaluable.  Their perspective is priceless, but we seldom seek it out.   All life is valuable…we need to be living that out day to day.

I love it that A.W. Tozer once said, “If we are to have any satisfying and lasting understanding of life, it must be divinely given.  It begins with the confession that it is indeed the God who has revealed Himself to us who is the central pillar bearing up the universe.  Believing that, we then go on to acknowledge that we have discovered His great eternal purpose for men and women made in His own image. 

…Man as he was originally created is God’s beloved.  Man in that sense is the beloved of the universe.  God said, “I have made man in My image and man is to be above all other creatures.  Redeemed man is to be even above the angels in the heavens.  He is to enter into My presence pardoned and unashamed, to worship Me and to look on My face while the ages roll on!”  No wonder we believe that God is the only certain foundation!

Please do not misunderstand my words here.  My hope is in the Lord…in the fact that my Lord went to the cross and bled and died and rose again to give me hope for the mis-guided decisions I have ever made, every lie I believed that caused me to sin…and that forgiveness, newness of life is available to all!  I love that about Our God…the only certain foundation for life, for valuing life, for living life…unashamed and forgiven—go live it to the full!