Friday, May 28, 2010

What are YOU doing This Week End?

"Memorial Day" week end. It means lots of different things...

One thing it IS: a time to honor soldiers that have fallen while serving our country.

There are moments that take my breath away...watching a waving flag as our National Anthem is played is one of those. Regardless of whether the President is in attendance at Arlington, or not (apparently he's leaving on vacation?)--the fact remains...people throughout the life of this country have indeed, bled and died in order for me to be able to write this blog, and attend the church of my choice, and, and ,and...I could go on and on!

Freedom. I'm not certain that we take our 'freedom' as seriously as we should.
THAT really isn't what THIS is about, though!

My husband's dad, affectionately and forever is known here as PaPa...(he served in the US Navy during WWII) him, it didn't matter what 'week end' of May, Memorial Day fell on, it was always 'the 30th of May!'--and that's when he celebrated it!

He was quirky like that! Hilarious stories would just come out of him, we would laugh til we ached...and when our family is together, remembering him, we still laugh!

But, to PaPa, 'the 30th of May' was a day to 'remember' all that had passed, a day to put flowers on each grave, and to sit at the cemetery in Raleigh, and visit with people that 'came home' to do the same! I don't know if it still happens, but they used to have a community celebration on this week end called 'Raleigh Days', complete with a parade, food, and entertainment. He & Nita loved that time of year, people they'd grown up with would travel just to be there for the week end, to visit! Do people do that any more? That may be a real thing of the past! Papa's biggest fear before he died was: 'no one' will remember to put flowers on mine & Nita's grave'... he could see that 'remembering' might not be as important to those coming after him!

At our house, it's the first official week end of summer--phrases I hear a lot are things like: 'YES, the pool opens' and 'when do I get my new swim suit'.
...these are of little concern to me...but with two 14 year old girls, these are important!!

There are Memorial Day Sales and Parades and Picnics...losing sight of the reason we are to 'remember' is easy in our busy, 'fun-filled' , action-packed lives...even as I write this, I'm thinking of all I must do to get things ready for all we have planned for the week end.

Let's see: a wedding (Congratulations: Ben & Jessica!), church, a baptism service (Go, Clint!), a cook out, PaPa's 'branch of the Bishop's will be together and lots of laughter...yep that about covers it!

I think just 'because'...I'll stop by MaMa & Papa Bishop's graves in the morning early, and yes--I'll most likely take flowers--Just Because!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Just What I Promised...

Week end is complete: Holly's 'Welcome Home' lunch with family was really nice. Everyone got to eat, visit, laugh and talk. We talked about hopes & dreams...end times and of course, the road trip my sister & I are taking in June, to see our Grandma!!!

Sunday afternoon, even afforded a nap for me! Can you say: unbelievable? I, personally, think that one of the 'holiest' things you can do is take a nap and really rest on Sunday afternoon!

I did a little bit of research on 'Sitting Shivah' like I promised...I want to learn more about this Jewish custom, it is very intriguing...and I think there are many truths to be learned about the character of Our God interwoven in this tradition. The period of shivah is the first 7 days following the loss of someone you love. Sitting Shivah, is when those close to the bereaved go and literally sit with the grieving person. They are there to cry, pray, talk, listen, just to 'be there', in this person's, darkest hours.

In the hours/days/weeks and even months after my family's darkest hours, (following our little girl's accident) there were many people who unknowingly,'Sat Shivah' with our family...precious people...that God sent directly to our door step or used our remember, laugh, cry, pray, listen or talk to us...nothing was stronger, though, than the assurance of God's sweet presence.

I feel that one of the greatest lessons to learn in this process is:

The fact that if we are a child of God, then He, Himself, 'Sits Shivah' with us in our darkest hour.

Whether any one else 'with skin on' is there, or NOT! And, He, He, my dear friend, is the ultimate provider for comfort, hope and matter what we're facing. (It sort of gives a new meaning, and perspective to 'What a friend we have in Jesus?...doesn't it?)

May you realize that God the Father, the Holy Spirit and Jesus--God's Son are all with us in our deepest need...Sitting Shivah!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

But You Thought My Sister was the Random One!!!

There are just some random things I wanted to write tonight...feeling sort of 'full' at the moment, and need to just 'write it out'...

Bear with me, while I write out things that are just on my mind... is so cold here, I can't believe that it is really May...and the middle, at that. I don't think I can remember a year that we have waited this long to turn on our air conditioner. I'm thankful for the respite in electric bills, though.

Holly is home. She finally made it tonight. And, of course, now the drama begins. Not that she's dramatic, but the whole dynamic of watching her try to juggle time between all her sisters evenly, and find time to see her friends, and Will and Ally will be a challenge that I don't envy.
Tomorrow, she's already booked to leave with the twins and I to go to Vincennes to witness the moment we've been waiting for these past 23 months: Madison's braces are coming OFF!!! She's pretty excited that this is happening...and equally excited that Holly will be there, too.

Mallory has a few more months to wear hers. Twins, but they have totally different things going on inside their mouths! Mallory had 'bite issues' that had to be fixed, which takes a little longer.

A short update on what I've been up to: recently, I started preparing for the GRE exam. This means that I am studying vocabulary words like a mad woman. Notice, I'm not trying any of them out for you here! --No kidding, though, there are about 500 that I need to learn. So, I'm in process of making, (this will not surprise you, if you know me) 'color-coded' flash for a positive for a neutral term...and grey/blue for a negative term. My goal is to apply and be accepted to seminary in 2011. The GRE is one of the requirements for that entrance. We'll see how this goes, this has always been a dream of mine...(NOT the GRE, but) furthering my education. And so, Lord willing, this will happen.

"Lord willing." I've recently found myself using this expressing more and more over the past few days. Life is just so unpredictable. And so, 'if the Lord wills' this or that to happen, then so be it'!

Our church showed the new movie 'To Save a Life' last Sunday evening. I highly recommend this movie because it hits home with most people. We all know kids or parents of kids that are faced with many of the situations addressed in this movie. One of the major events in the movie was a teenager that commits suicide. Suicide, though not a popular topic to discuss, is very real in the lives of many people that I know. Either they have attempted it, or been in a position to consider it strongly...or they've lost someone they know to it...

Tomorrow night, our church is going to offer a QPR training session (think CPR for the suicidal person) to equip people to be able to help those they may come in contact with that might be contemplating suicide.

Q, stands for question.
P stands fro persuade.
And, R stands for refer.

I think it is very pro-active to have this training available, and I'm so glad that we're offering it to anyone that would like it!

I watched a video today from Nooma. Rob Bell did an outstanding job talking quite frankly about grieving the loss of someone you love. He talked in it about 'Sitting Shivah'.it is very profound Jewish tradition when someone dies..I found myself loving this concept...I'll research it more, and get back to you!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hello, again, Friend, it's been a while!!!

And, here we are! I think this is the longest I've gone without a new 'post' to this blog...

SO sorry...

I'm not even sure you're reading any more!

The Ladies' Day at Oil Belt was a great success!!
Linda Mirante, Jackina Stark, Deanne Mott all did a great job of making us laugh, cry, and think! They also challenged us to draw near to the heart of God and live a life in pursuit of JOY!

Dee Ann Schnautz...let me just say, amazing job leading us in worship!

The team (they are the DIVAS) I get to work with to plan and carry out this event is so special to me...each time I think of them, as a group, or individually, I get 'weepy' considering how truly blessed I am to know them!!!

Another Great Banquet week end impacted me in SO many different ways...those 72 hours are truly amazing...every time I get to be involved, I stand amazed at the things that God does in those short hours!!

We finished our Monday night Bible study for ladies at the end of April...we will start again, in some form, in September. There was a great group of women to study with! And, I feel that I am truly blessed to work with this team, as well!

God is SO good to me!

Another cycle of GriefShare came to a close at the end of April, as well. This cycle was unique, as we were small in number...but together, made great strides toward turning 'mourning to joy.'

I get to do a Bible study each week at our local 'assisted living facility'. This year, two of our number have already 'graduated' to heaven...

Coral went on New Year's Eve...Miss Edna left this life last Thursday morning. Both were blessed in that they just went to illness, no 'bad thing'...peacefully, and undisturbed, dignity in tact...

Both loved the Lord so very much...I'm thankful God gave me the opportunity to get to know these ladies! What a blessing they each have been to me!

The ones that are still here...well...we laugh and study and cry together, and sometimes we have coffee, or ice water...or even chocolate!

Sometimes, we talk about heaven, sometimes we remember the ones that have gone on, but, mostly, we just have a good time looking at scripture together and try to encourage each other!

Here's what these 'girls' have taught me:
1. Do not ask them 'how they like it there'...the question is of no use...none of them 'like it there''s the place that they've come 'to' in their lives...and so, they accept it and move on.
2. They all believe in the Sovereignty of's this basis of their belief in Him that helps them get through the day!
3. They love to laugh...which says to me, laughter is truly good for the bones...and brings health!
4. You are NEVER too old for chocolate, if you're a girl or a is always yummy!
5. It's really a good idea to keep 'short accounts', so we express how much we appreciate each other 'in the moment'...keeping in mind that the time is 'short'...
Which brings me to:
6. When leaving, it's a good idea to remember to say 'See you next week, Lord willing!'!!!

That pretty much says it all, doesn't it? Don't take tomorrow for granted, or next week, or next month!!! All we have is NOW!
And, so, I'll be writing again 'soon'...Lord willing!