Thursday, January 13, 2011

And, today I know, as always: God is Good!

God is good! This is the theme of one of the classes I'm taking. It is the first line in a favorite childhood prayer I used to say at bedtime. These three words are quickly becoming where my mind goes, as I get older and find more and more things that are wearing out on this body of mine.

God is good! This is a basic truth. If we would stay mindful of these words, of this truth, our lives would be transformed.

We had a children's minister at our church that thankfully had been a cheerleader in her younger years. She would literally lead the congregation in a sort of sing song cheer. She would say: God is Good! Our response was: All the Time! And she would repeat: God is Good!

Yes, God is good, all the time, and all the time, God is good. This makes my day. Especially on days when bad news just doesn't stop coming, or there's not quite enough in the bank to cover the bills, or there just isn't enough to go around...OR, when the kids are home from school sick, and there's a gazillion things to catch up see, these are all short term. Good news does come, kids get well, finances can change with the wind...and well...the to do list will get shorter...stop adding to it!

God is good. His word says it, and He's proven Himself faithful over and over.

I am now officially a seminary student. My first 'assignment', due the first official day of class is complete. My next assignment due 2 weeks: 1000 words. If you know me, you know that I can speak 1000 words in about 5 minutes, so you say, this should NOT be a problem. However, keep in mind, writing is hard work. There is a lot to consider, rhythm, use of certain words and the direction things should go--many choices to make. And so, while 1000 words sounds like a little thing, (and, according to what I wrote in the previous paragraph it really is a little thing) it will take some time to put all my thoughts together and edit them down, so that they won't be difficult to follow! (and, if you know me, you know that sometimes talking with me is like following a bouncing ball--according to a dear friend!)

As a new student, I have much reading to do. MUCH. The topics I am reading about are God, and the calling He has on my life. Since these are both important to me, I will step up and read and write what ever I'm assigned. I'm eager to learn! This experience has taught me a lot already about waiting on God. And, as this week has proven, He can work anything out (like travel/accommodations details, and, did I mention that my computer was continually 'blue screening') God is good. He has brought me this far, these details and this day are no surprise to Him...and if He cares about the number of hairs on my head, then I think He's got the whole travel/computer things that concern me taken care of, as well. Truly blessed: that's me!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Double blessing...

On this date fifteen years ago, we were anticipating the New Year, not having a clue how much our lives were getting ready for a huge change over the next few days. Our home was completely decorated, down to the kitchen rugs, for Christmas. Each room had it's own themed Christmas tree, 8 in all. It wasn't time to face taking everything 'down' we were enjoying the holiday season, and completely enjoying the atmosphere for a few more days.

Back then, the days immediately following Christmas were for nesting, de-cluttering, setting goals for the year, reviewing our household budget and getting tax information in order before officially heading back to work and school after the holidays.

Our girls, now 11 and 9,could do things for themselves--they were definitely out of the constant care phase of their lives. Which is why the events of the next few days would be especially fun, an shocking at the same time.

By the 8th of January that year, 1996, I had a few decorations put away, but there had been a lot of snow, the girls had been home, and I was just hanging out with them.
The 8th day of January, 1996 changed our lives forever! The girls and I were organizing things in our family room in our basement, when the phone rang. We had gone through pre-adoption classes a year before. We had planned to adopt a three year old potty-trained child, who ever this child was, we didn't know! But, we knew that God did, and He was planning and orchestrating exactly the child that would become ours!

So, imagine my surprise when I answered the phone to hear the news that available to our family were newborn twin baby girls. They had been born two days previous, and I would be able to pick them up at the hospital on the 1oth. I was amazed.

First of all, newborns are rare for adoption. Second of all, they were girls, a perfect fit for the older girls who were quickly outgrowing the doll baby stage. My husband and I prayed and were completely at peace with saying absolutely YES!!! We would be happy to step through this door of opportunity.

And so, that year, the 9th of January was spent packing up 8 Christmas trees and tons of decorations. The 10th was spent driving to get these two precious baby girls, that have grown in to beautiful young girls! We were so blessed back then, and feel doubly blessed today!

Only in God's economy can I explain how we could have been praying for a 3-year old potty trained child that would be a right fit for our family, and received TWO beautiful, perfectly healthy, baby girls instead. It doesn't mean we had to have specifically the three year does mean that "If you delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart."--Psalm 37 tells us.

Yes, Lord, the desire of our hearts was for You to be honored and glorified in our lives...our prayer continues to be for your blessing on our family, but make us a blessing to others.