Thursday, April 30, 2009

So glad I sorted through my desk!!!

Sometimes, I write random thoughts and scriptures down...I get a thought, and have to write it somewhere!

This week, I was going through a couple of 'stacks' on my desk and found an 'abandoned' pad of lined paper. I had written on the first four pieces of the pad and that was it--left for later!! I love office supplies. I love colored pens, and fresh, clean, lined paper! So, The first page was neatly written in brown ink with key words written with purple ink. At the bottom of the page in large letters were more 'key words' neatly printed in large purple letters and then a small colored brown heart surrounded by a larger purple heart.--I obviously must have had a lot of time on my hands that day...or else I did it in the middle of the night!--I don't usually have a lot of 'coloring' time!

So, here's what I had written that particular day:

Clean Hands
Psalm 24:4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false.
Psalm 10:4 Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.
Proverbs 31:20 She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.
Isaiah 55:12 You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.
I Thess. 4:11 Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands ( v. 12--so that your daily life will win respect of outsiders and so that you won't be dependent on anybody.)
I Timothy 2:8 I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing.
Pure Heart
This is the way I connect all this...our hands are very important...they need to be clean or holy...they need to be extended to the poor (the least of these) they need to be diligent, and busy...working to help us live quiet mindful lives...the purposes of our hands are a reflection of our heart...
Psalm 24:4 holds a particularly significant place in my heart, as it was part of the Bible study I do on Wednesday mornings. That first listed is talking about who may 'ascend the hill of the Lord, or stand in His holy place...who has access to the Lord...the one with clean hands and a pure heart...and, for me, personally: again with the weeping from earlier in the week...because it goes on to say the one who has access to the Lord is the one who doesn't lift up his soul to an idol...this is the one the Lord will bless!
I don't know about you, but keeping my hands busy in my home, living a quiet life--one where I'm minding my own business...if these are the things that help me have access to the God of the Universe...the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob...then, my prayer would be for my Father God to help me to keep my hands clean, and my heart pure...I need more of Him! I also need Him to help me be mindful of the whole idol thing...I want no other god before the One True God!
How good of Our God to give, as a gift to us, the Holy Spirit, to help us discern such things! WOW! Clean hands...Pure heart!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Work a Little, Weep a Little

Here I sit, after a long wonderful day of working, resting, waiting, and meeting! Oh, yeah, we can throw in 'eating', too! And, of course, talking, I seem to do a lot of that!

As I shared on an earlier 'post': Tuesday is 'staff meeting' day for me. We usually spend some time discussing some portion of scripture, as a group. This year, because we're all on the "Journey" together, it's been easy...we just pick out things that 'speak' to us during the current five chapters of the current week's reading.

Today we talked about the portion of scripture in John where Jesus is in the midst of the grieving process at Mary & Martha's house in Bethany because their brother Lazarus has died, and they've buried him...and, as you may or may not recall, "Jesus wept", shortly before He raised Lazarus back to life...

Those two words, Jesus wept, show me the human side of Jesus. He was SO human, that something about his friend's death moved Him to tears. There seems to be differing opinions as to exactly 'why' He wept. But, from my experience, I've learned that the question 'Why?' could be asked for a very long time, and with NO real answer ever available!

It isn't that important to me to know 'why?' he wept--just the fact that He did, helps me see that He has the capacity to identify with pain, and suffering...on many different levels. The Hebrew writer underlines this fact as he teaches us that we do have a great High Priest, Jesus, who is able to identify in our suffering, because He went through human emotion, as well!

The fact that Jesus wept makes me want to worship Him deeply from my heart. He cared that much...and since He's the same yesterday, today, and forever...He cares that much about me! This fact alone brings comfort, peace that surpasses understanding, and great hope!

My goal is for my life to mirror that peace to those around me! The hope I have and proclaim should be a testimony to the place God has in my heart and life. Not that I am perfect in this...I fail a lot of the time...but my intention is to never lose sight of the fact that Jesus can and willingly does identify with me as a human--he has that capacity! That is great news for our generation.

I don't know about you, but I'm thinking there are a lot of people walking around with little to no hope, no peace...and very little comfort that doesn't come from a bottle of some variety. Jesus is the answer, so why do we keep that such a secret? We are to be about the business of spreading that word...let's get busy!--Sometimes, that involves keep that in mind!--Don't be afraid to show yourself as human!--as one who weeps! It's really OK!

Monday, April 27, 2009

If __________, then ______________.

Today during my study for 'The Journey'...a couple of things hit me in a new and different way. I'm not sure, but I think it has a lot to do with the events of this past week end. Watching as God had people minister to our family, and we, then were able to minister to others.

John 13: 3 begins with, 'Jesus knew'...two words, but they change everything. Jesus knew.
He knew that the Father had put all things under his power...he knew that he had come from God...he knew that he was returning to God. Next, it says: 'so, he got up'...go look at this in your Bible, if you need to...

I wonder how our lives would be different if we knew the Father in such a way that we just acted on what His word told us. If we acted on the things we 'know' to be true of Him. If we lived our lives based on the truth of God's power. 'Knowing' something should produce action on our part. I payed my water bill (we do not have a well in town!), so I know I have fresh, clean water coming through my pipes, I can act like it. It is safe for drinking, bathing, cooking, washing the clothes...I could go on and on because we use a LOT of water!

What we know to be true of our God, should produce action in our lives. We know that He sent His Son, Jesus to die for us. We also know that He created the universe...parted the Red Sea...We know He knows how many hairs are on our heads, and we know we are the 'apple of His eye', according to scripture. We can feel His presence, and discuss anything that is on our heart with Him. We also know that He reveals Himself in His word.

If we know all these things, our action should be based on those truths...
This helps me look, a little later in John, at verses 34 & 35 in a whole different light:
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

Become a risk taker: Love one another. Love one another. We are to love one another, deeply from the heart, another scripture tells us. This produces unity, which Jesus prayed for in the also speaks to our witness to those who may not know Christ. The love we show to each other tells others the place God has in our also tells others how much we value them. Too often, we 'love on' the folks that look, smell and act like us. This flies in the face of scripture...we are to love one another. Love One Another.

If_________, then ________.
If we Love God, then we will Love those who Love Him! (and act out of our Love for those who don't know Him at all!)
If we Know God's hand of provision, then we will be able to trust Him with all that concerns us!
If we Know of God's power, then we will be able to conceive of the things He can do in our lives, no matter how broken or complicated...He is a Good God--fill in your own blanks!
If________________, then _____________.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Through the Loss of Our Child...

Today is the day. You see, sweet reader, five years ago, April 25, changed my and my family's life forever.

I've considered all day as to whether I should write anything about this or not.

The fact is this: It HAS been five years. This is a blink of an eye in a lot of ways and in other ways, a very long time.

This is a picture of our Macy Jo. She was the youngest of our children and died on this day, five years ago. Actually, as I write this, it was about this time of day. Macy was certainly a surprise of those that comes directly from this promise in scripture: "If you delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart." You see, we had tried to delight ourselves in the Lord, and we didn't realize it until we found we were expecting her, but she was one of the desires of our hearts!!!

And, what a blessing she was...our lives are better for having had her here with us, even though it was only for a short time, by our time line.... I stand convinced, though, that she accomplished on this earth exactly what God's purposes were for her. This day, five years ago, was not surprise to took our breath away, but NOT His!

She impacted us and taught us, and helped us see God in a different way...and because of that, we, hopefully, impact, teach and encourage others to see God perhaps in a different and exciting way!

Our mourning has truly been changed to joy...of course we miss the part that Macy would have in our lives now...but if we learned nothing else...we did learn this: life goes on here on earth, whether she is here or not. And, our responsibility is to keep trusting our God in spite of and in the midst of our pain.--The JOY of the Lord is our strength!

God is more interested in our obedience than He is in fixing our pain. He desires obedience more than sacrifice...more than anything else. He IS the God of comfort...and the God of strength...but those are only available to those who claim Him as Lord of their life!

A lot of times, here's where people get mixed up in...they want His comfort and strength, but don't want to claim Him as Lord of their lives! So, they claim God is not good...the truth is, He's good all the time...and He knows bad things happen here...

Jesus, Himself, told us: "In this world you will have trouble, but take heart I have over come the world!"--those are sweet words from a man that died for me... catch it: in this world...we'll have trouble...the reason is get this: (write it down if you have to) this is NOT Heaven....

THIS IS NOT HEAVEN...that will come soon enough...

We go through really bad stuff while we're here, on this earth, because our enemy prowls around looking for ways to seek, kill and destroy...he will use anything he can...especially the death of those we love the most to trip us up, and get us to believe lies about our God....because he is our enemy, because he hates us...and because he knows there is power in the name of Jesus and His word--and he'll do anything he can to alienate us from that power and that word! Satan attacked our family that day, because he hates us, but we knew to claim victory in Jesus' Name! Praise HIM for that!

I do not have anything in me that could face life without those I love the most..and Macy certainly was one of those...but I am here to tell you, write to you, that it only because of the living God working in me...His word is my comfort, my strength, my is where God reveals His character to me...where I can learn to trust Him more and more! And, I praise Him for being so very good to me! --Even me!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I Am Amazed!

I stand amazed at how things work out. I wrote about exhaustion (the good kind) on Sunday. And, of course, I was really exhausted. So, as I prayed about the day, the week ahead...I just asked God to use me, but to take away things I didn't need to do, and place in there the things He intended me to do!

He is faithful...if you didn't already know that...I'm here to tell you: He Is Faithful!

Yesterday, I was able to rest, do neglected laundry and household things, and rest some more. I did our weekly Bible study at Brookstone, which is a delight!!! I love being with my friends there, Coral, Mary Beth, Louise, Gayle, Katie, Edna and Virginia, and my good friend Rief. They love God's going there is not a burden, it is a secret treat!!! Shhhhh...I wouldn't want some one else to take it over!!!--Is that selfish!?

Anyway, I rode my bike to my 'reunion Bible study' last night. It was a great ride...but just as we were finishing up, a storm blew over...complete with lightning & thunder...I called the girls, they were here at the house. I said, "don't worry about me, I'm bringing in the bike and I'll get a ride home!" Madison says: "Oh, that's ok, we were just rolling in the floor laughing because you were going to have to ride home in the rain!" I love teen-agers!!! They are always so concerned!!!

My 'regular Tuesday' looks like this: staff meeting in the morning through lunch, then mentoring (BB/BS) in the afternoon...tumbling at night!(the twins tumble, I do not!)

The office called first thing to tell me that most every one was 'out' today for some reason or another, so we were forgoing staff meeting today. YIPPEEEEE!!! And, then I got a call that the little girl I mentor was having her tonsils out today!

How Great is our God!?!?!?

With the whole morning to myself and it being quiet here at home...I was able to do a deeper-than-normal Bible study, and really cool things were revealed to me! I'll write about those in another place, not here...let me just say: I love it when the Word of God speaks to my soul in such a way that it makes my eyes leak!--all over the pages! There's SO much power there!

Late in the morning, our senior minister called to invite me to lunch with him and our youth minister. We usually have 'staff lunch' on Tuesdays, so they just were including me, which was great, because they were eating at one of my favorite places! They encouraged me, I encouraged them. They were interested in my take on the women's retreat last week end...both asking me what the high light had been for me, personally! (which, I will say it was all great...but for my life, it was having my former worship leader and my current worship leader share the stage with two totally different styles of leading worship, and watching and listening as God orchestrated something so gorgeous there!--a glimpse, I believe of music in heaven!!!)

After lunch, I went to the hospital to visit my little mentoring child...she was sipping a drink and talking quietly, with an ice-pack on her throat...she's so sweet...a little groggy, so I didn't stay long!

Because of all this, my afternoon was available for some 'Will and Ally' time!!! Will and I played with his toys, and watched Ally practice her technique for her 'roll over'...which she's almost perfected...I'll give her a 9.8!

Let me just say, I feel rested, truly blessed and ready to get after it!!!--Of course, my husband thinks that should include cleaning our house, so I shouldn't disappoint him! I'll get right on that, right after my nap tomorrow!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Exhaustion--the GOOD kind!!!!

I think I promised pictures of the ladies, I have a few here to share...there are more...I'm not a great photographer...but perhaps you can form an idea!
I am officially tired!! Of course, it is the really good kind of tired!

This ladies retreat happened Saturday, April 18. It was the end-product of 17 months of planning by a team that God blessed me with the privilege of working with, from area churches. The common denominator in the churches was our church camp, Oil Belt, and this event is an annual affair for women.

The weather was absolutely a God-send...perfect, no rain, sun shining...and the temperature was just right!!! What a great spring day!

Most of our team, and most of our presenters are in this picture...

Our team of 12 (including me) worked together, meeting each month, for about 2-3 hours each time, to plan this retreat. These women live within a 50 mile radius of this camp. So, meetings were an effort for them, some drove close to an hour! These are women that were such a gift to me, such a gift to work with, and proved to be SUCH a gift for the day, and to the women who attended! Each of these worked in the area of their gifted-ness and this always amazes me about the body of Christ, how He meshes our gifts together to make something absolutely gorgeous!!

We offered two main sessions with a worship team, which was made up of people from 4 different churches up to 4-1/2 hours apart...and practiced only once all together at the sound check Saturday morning!--but sounded awesome!

Our main speaker, Lynn Reece spoke to our hearts, inspired us on so many levels! Explained that we cannot amputate our past from our destiny! And, encouraged us to make some girlfriends!

We also offered 12 workshops (they could choose 4). Some of us on the planning team also presented workshops...those were: organizing your life, raising Godly children, 'nest' changes (I presented this one), contentment, small things that make a big difference. We put our heads together and found people we knew to present: Women's ministry interests in 2 parts: starting and maintaining women's ministry and offering Bible studies for women, plus: marriage, hospitality in your home, 'single-ness', self-defense for women, missions and world view and ministry after retirement.

Each of the women who presented these workshops were such a delight to meet and get to know. They blessed the ones they spoke to in such unique ways!!! The 'self-defense' team empowered the women they met to defend themselves!--How fun, and unique, but also a 'niche' in today's was good we were able to offer this choice!

Isaiah 43:19....'See, I'm doing a new it springs up!' was our theme for the day. Because, this event needed 'something new' to happen to 'revive it, to make it a quality event for women to actually feel like they wanted to 'not miss it'!!!

This picture shows the details in the dining area for each place! Very talented decorating team!

After 17 months of praying over it, planning it, and then carrying it out--IT WAS WORTH IT!!! God truly blessed our effort at honoring Him with the day! He is a good God, and I give Him all the praise for the good that happened yesterday...

My prayer is for the women of our area, there were 316 gathered by the way!, were inspired to live more deliberately for our God, who does not amputate our past from our destiny in Him! He uses it, to bring glory & honor back to Himself! That those women were also inspired to get to know each other--to make 'girlfriends'!!!

Somehow, this picture made it here twice, and a couple of others I really wanted to share didn', I'll investigate, and get it right!

I feel like I made 316 'new' girlfriends yesterday, I think I'll write them a note with confetti in it, or at least write them a note to say 'hi, and thanks for coming'! I'll do that, right after I take a nap!

I'm SO tired, ready to rest, and then get back to ministry...what ever that looks like to our God!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009


Here we go!!!

This week holds many promises...twists & turns, ups and downs...highs and lows and highs again!!! All the planning, all the meetings, all the phone calls and e-mails and conversations...all for this event, this ladies' retreat coming this Saturday. WOW!!! When we set the date, April 18, 2009 in late 2007, it seemed so far away!!! And now, it's in sight...FIVE days from now!!!

It has been an amazing journey of watching God's hand and His provision...most importantly, we just want HIS name to be high and lifted up! I called to touch base with our main speaker over the week end, this past week end. She knew it was me, because she had my number programmed in to her cell phone! So, she was glad to hear from me. We shared for a few moments, she asked some questions, and told me some last minute details that we needed to take care of, then she asked another question. She asked if we could sing a certain song. Well, of course, being the detail-oriented person I am (HA), I told her that I'd have to call our worship leader and ask. I was in my car, didn't write down the name of the song, but I assured her I'd call.
Needless to say, I forgot the name of the song, and had to call her back. When I finally got to tell the worship leader what the song was she said ( I LOVE THIS!!!) "We're already doing that one!!!" That, my friends, is God orchestrating a great day--down to the smallest detail--and we just keep seeing this happen....because we've positioned ourselves in a place to watch for His hand!!! Praise HIM!

I'm busy this week, finishing up details for Friday and Saturday...I can't wait to see what happens...Perhaps, I'll even share photos here...look for them next week! (after April 18, 2009!!!)
Be blessed!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

God is Good!

WOW! That seems to be the word of the week for me...WOW is just on my tongue because there are so many things that have just come together and become very clear!

The second major event that I'm involved in this spring is happening in about 10 days. There are over 250 women already registered to attend. God has shown Himself faithful in so many details of this event...I was anxious last week end, but this week has proven to be one answered prayer after another, so I'm really excited to see how this all turns out! WOW!

A few weeks ago I did a short talk about studying God's word. I have always felt like the value we place on God's word is in direct relation to the love we have for Him. If you love God, you naturally love His word...hungering & thirsting for it. God's word is the air you breathe, source of strength, shield, comfort and guide. I heard a recorded sermon this week and the speaker echoed those exact can't love God effectively without loving His word.

I just wonder what the world would be like if people 'got that'? The Bible is God's's His love letter to us...if it bores you, then He bores you. If it's hard to pick up the Bible to read, then it'll be hard to relate to Him your deepest need, or your desires. David was a man after God's own heart and in Psalm 119 he spoke frequently about how much it meant to him in his life--remember?
I will hide Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against YOU!

WOW!!!--It excites me when I study, pray and come up with a 'nugget' on my own, then it is affirmed in a message by someone I've never heard before, or spoken to in my life!--To me, that just tells me that I'm on the right track in my study time!

Good Stuff!!! And, God is answering prayers!
To name a couple: A friend who lost their job about 3 weeks ago got a better job this week! Another friend who had surgery for colon cancer got to get out of the hospital early, clean pathology report and everything looks very promising! God is GOOD, all the TIME!--Praise HIM!