Monday, April 27, 2009

If __________, then ______________.

Today during my study for 'The Journey'...a couple of things hit me in a new and different way. I'm not sure, but I think it has a lot to do with the events of this past week end. Watching as God had people minister to our family, and we, then were able to minister to others.

John 13: 3 begins with, 'Jesus knew'...two words, but they change everything. Jesus knew.
He knew that the Father had put all things under his power...he knew that he had come from God...he knew that he was returning to God. Next, it says: 'so, he got up'...go look at this in your Bible, if you need to...

I wonder how our lives would be different if we knew the Father in such a way that we just acted on what His word told us. If we acted on the things we 'know' to be true of Him. If we lived our lives based on the truth of God's power. 'Knowing' something should produce action on our part. I payed my water bill (we do not have a well in town!), so I know I have fresh, clean water coming through my pipes, I can act like it. It is safe for drinking, bathing, cooking, washing the clothes...I could go on and on because we use a LOT of water!

What we know to be true of our God, should produce action in our lives. We know that He sent His Son, Jesus to die for us. We also know that He created the universe...parted the Red Sea...We know He knows how many hairs are on our heads, and we know we are the 'apple of His eye', according to scripture. We can feel His presence, and discuss anything that is on our heart with Him. We also know that He reveals Himself in His word.

If we know all these things, our action should be based on those truths...
This helps me look, a little later in John, at verses 34 & 35 in a whole different light:
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

Become a risk taker: Love one another. Love one another. We are to love one another, deeply from the heart, another scripture tells us. This produces unity, which Jesus prayed for in the also speaks to our witness to those who may not know Christ. The love we show to each other tells others the place God has in our also tells others how much we value them. Too often, we 'love on' the folks that look, smell and act like us. This flies in the face of scripture...we are to love one another. Love One Another.

If_________, then ________.
If we Love God, then we will Love those who Love Him! (and act out of our Love for those who don't know Him at all!)
If we Know God's hand of provision, then we will be able to trust Him with all that concerns us!
If we Know of God's power, then we will be able to conceive of the things He can do in our lives, no matter how broken or complicated...He is a Good God--fill in your own blanks!
If________________, then _____________.

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