Wednesday, April 8, 2009

God is Good!

WOW! That seems to be the word of the week for me...WOW is just on my tongue because there are so many things that have just come together and become very clear!

The second major event that I'm involved in this spring is happening in about 10 days. There are over 250 women already registered to attend. God has shown Himself faithful in so many details of this event...I was anxious last week end, but this week has proven to be one answered prayer after another, so I'm really excited to see how this all turns out! WOW!

A few weeks ago I did a short talk about studying God's word. I have always felt like the value we place on God's word is in direct relation to the love we have for Him. If you love God, you naturally love His word...hungering & thirsting for it. God's word is the air you breathe, source of strength, shield, comfort and guide. I heard a recorded sermon this week and the speaker echoed those exact can't love God effectively without loving His word.

I just wonder what the world would be like if people 'got that'? The Bible is God's's His love letter to us...if it bores you, then He bores you. If it's hard to pick up the Bible to read, then it'll be hard to relate to Him your deepest need, or your desires. David was a man after God's own heart and in Psalm 119 he spoke frequently about how much it meant to him in his life--remember?
I will hide Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against YOU!

WOW!!!--It excites me when I study, pray and come up with a 'nugget' on my own, then it is affirmed in a message by someone I've never heard before, or spoken to in my life!--To me, that just tells me that I'm on the right track in my study time!

Good Stuff!!! And, God is answering prayers!
To name a couple: A friend who lost their job about 3 weeks ago got a better job this week! Another friend who had surgery for colon cancer got to get out of the hospital early, clean pathology report and everything looks very promising! God is GOOD, all the TIME!--Praise HIM!

1 comment:

Debbie Legg said...

You are so right about the hunger and thirst we can have for His word. I liken it a bit to potato chips -- you can't eat just one. Each one "tastes like another." The more you eat the more you want. The more of God's word we receive the more of it we want. May we all give in to this hunger and thirst for His word, taste and see that it is good, and be filled to overflowing with the Bread of Life and the Living Water. See you next week! I'm excited, too!