Monday, May 24, 2010

Just What I Promised...

Week end is complete: Holly's 'Welcome Home' lunch with family was really nice. Everyone got to eat, visit, laugh and talk. We talked about hopes & dreams...end times and of course, the road trip my sister & I are taking in June, to see our Grandma!!!

Sunday afternoon, even afforded a nap for me! Can you say: unbelievable? I, personally, think that one of the 'holiest' things you can do is take a nap and really rest on Sunday afternoon!

I did a little bit of research on 'Sitting Shivah' like I promised...I want to learn more about this Jewish custom, it is very intriguing...and I think there are many truths to be learned about the character of Our God interwoven in this tradition. The period of shivah is the first 7 days following the loss of someone you love. Sitting Shivah, is when those close to the bereaved go and literally sit with the grieving person. They are there to cry, pray, talk, listen, just to 'be there', in this person's, darkest hours.

In the hours/days/weeks and even months after my family's darkest hours, (following our little girl's accident) there were many people who unknowingly,'Sat Shivah' with our family...precious people...that God sent directly to our door step or used our remember, laugh, cry, pray, listen or talk to us...nothing was stronger, though, than the assurance of God's sweet presence.

I feel that one of the greatest lessons to learn in this process is:

The fact that if we are a child of God, then He, Himself, 'Sits Shivah' with us in our darkest hour.

Whether any one else 'with skin on' is there, or NOT! And, He, He, my dear friend, is the ultimate provider for comfort, hope and matter what we're facing. (It sort of gives a new meaning, and perspective to 'What a friend we have in Jesus?...doesn't it?)

May you realize that God the Father, the Holy Spirit and Jesus--God's Son are all with us in our deepest need...Sitting Shivah!

1 comment:

Debbie Legg said...

Love this concept and how you apply it to Jesus today in our lives. I really needed that today. :)