Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Will YOU Ponder These Questions?

With your permission, may I ask some questions?  Are you curious about any of these things?
What is a good question?  Is the ability to ask good questions natural?

When we meet someone new, where do we begin with questions?  Should they be of a personal nature, or more broad?

Who do we know that is a really good person?  What makes them good?  What makes them really good?

What does a good life look like?  How do we get a good life?

How should we think about politics, politicians and political policy?
Should we be activists or pacifists?  Which is best, or is that a moment by moment decision?

What about economic growth or decline of our country/world?  What should we hope to see that politicians can actually do to stimulate economic growth?

Is the answer a larger minimum wage?  Or, is it bringing jobs back to America?
Does it have anything to do with the Immigration Reform laws?

Is funding for ObamaCare something of an answer to all our woes?  Did anyone on the planet ever actually read the entire ObamaCare document when it was passed in to law?  What are the consequences of shutting down our government?  Is it easy?  Is it difficult?  Are the ones that are arguing both sides really there for the people, or for their own political gain/position?

Does the average American really care who is running in "fourth place" in the NY Mayoral race?  Should we care?  Was Huma really humiliated?  Or, was the whole mess calculated, in advance, as a part of some political machine that she and her husband are putting together for the future?  If a female political figure conducted themselves in a ways that "Anthony & Bill, and many others" have conducted themselves, would there be a blip in the press, or a full blown scandal?

Is it important for me to 'do' anything about any of the answers to the previous questions?
What is my role?  What is your role?  Are you good person?  Are you a person striving to do your best?  Do you have a good work ethic?  Are you respected and trusted in the work place?  Do you strive to be Truthful?  Do you speak with malice or with grace?  Is your tongue controlled, or does it say things that it shouldn't?

What is your idea of helping those around you?  Do you even care about those around you?  What are you doing in your life that is most meaningful to you?  Is it your most favorite thing?  What are you doing to make a difference for future generations?  Is just simply "being a consumer" good enough?  Is living only for yourself each day really the most meaningful thing you can do?

Is there a way to live a rich, full life without focusing on our own personal preferences and comfort level, by putting the needs of others first?  Is it possible to be selfless in our society?

Is this too many questions?  Why did you read to the end?  

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