Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Can Life be BOTH?

Both, what?  Both refreshing and busy?  I have been refreshed to the point that I am eager to 'get on with it'...and very busy in that pursuit.

The refreshing part came from the two weeks I spent recently in Redding, California.  The first week, I got to connect with good friends, and focused time learning.  That week, I deepened my knowledge of the wisdom literature contained in God's Word--or, Pursuing Wisdom

Let me just say that I will never approach the book of Proverbs in the same way again!  I have a deeper appreciation for the Song of Songs, and somehow, the Book of Job.  What a difference focusing on this topic has made--I still have so much to learn--but I have a couple of projects to put together that will help in that respect.  Also, this class time was unique in that we were able to, with the wonder of modern technology, have about 14 students join us each day from their classroom in Missouri!  What an amazing tool--and an amazing time to be alive!

My week end was spent doing home work (and, of course, laundry!)  I did get to enjoy the sunshine a little--but mostly I had much to finish from my week of wisdom, and a little to do to prepare for the coming week. 

My second week of class, I studied Events in Church History --there is much to be said about what we can learn by studying the past, giving a new lens by which to view and consider the future.  Do you realize that one of the stabilizing factors, when the Roman Empire fell, was the Church?  The Church at that time was well organized, and was a place that dis-placed people could look to for stability and strength.  What does that say to us in 2013?  I think it says a lot. 

How stable is The Church today?  Allow me to be clear--I am talking about the Body of Christian believers everywhere

How effective is the church today at representing Christ to others?  How effective is the church today to ministering--truly ministering to people's deepest need?  Come on church--wake up--the fields are ripe for harvest--people are obviously searching for something--just consider the news headlines.  We know that something is Truth and truth.  If you do not know the difference, you should.  Be reminded--God has prepared things for us to do that will bring Glory & Honor back to Him--this should be our main concern.  What am I supposed to do today, in light of the fact that Jesus bled and died and rose again for me to able to live?  What is it? 

We can begin by taking serious, the things God has placed before us to do today. If you serve on the board of your church, or you are in a volunteer position in ministry--get the cob-webs out of your thinking.  Ask for wisdom and clarity of thinking.  Be honest in your dealings--strive to live a life of integrity--through and through--for we are running out of time to make a difference. 

NO, I am not predicting gloom and doom--but if there is breath in your body--you know that life is fleeting--and we never know if we even have tomorrow.  Get busy today. 

Remember--tell the truth to each other--stop lying and, stop covering up other people's lies.  This is HUGE.

Take your role in the Body very seriously--the blood of martyrs should speak to you about how very seriously those in the early church took theirs--be inspired and do something radical.  Radical would be to demand honesty from fellow members in the Body, especially those that serves as leaders. 

We are called to obedience--that includes keeping your tongue from gossip or slander--and it calls for expecting your leaders to lead well--not just go with the flow--this is serious business.  Sometimes leaders quote to "desire to be a leader is to desire a good thing'  And, it is but sometimes, in certain cases, we fail to remember that those words were written at a time when persecution and death were very real to those that chose to lead.  --Yet Paul tells us that to desire to lead is a good thing--even if you are called to die for because you do it.   

Stop and think about it--are you radical enough to take your place as a 'board leader' or 'minister of the gospel' or 'ministry volunteer' to truly live and model a life of integrity--which sometimes means that you will be called to do extremely difficult things--like telling the truth and/or not making decisions based on monetary means.  I'm just saying that we each need to take our life and our role on the board or team very seriously as we are representing Christ.  Then, as a bonus, not if, but when things crumble--the Church will be stronger for our effort at pursuing and demanding integrity now! 

I'm not scolding you--actually on the contrary--I want to encourage you!  I am concerned for future generations--my children and grandchildren need to see me live a life of integrity before them--and a life of faith before them--that is the stuff spiritual heritage is made out of...and it will do us all good to pursue that in unity--no matter your denominational heritage. 

I have to stop writing now...for I could literally write all day--oh, wait--that's the 'busy' part of my title.  Very busy now, in this season to finish my coursework--so, for today, I must prioritize my efforts to study and then write about what I've studied.  I am thankful for this opportunity to study--and thankful to you for reading this blog. 

So, now, go and get serious about your role, and Be especially blessed today, and always!

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