Thursday, June 28, 2012

Was this a good day?

A good day.  Plan for it.  Watch for it.  Expect it.  Having a good day is all about your perspective, and your attitude.  Keeping it simple is key.  Smiling is also key.

As I get older, or 'mature', I have decided that a good day does not hinge on just 'one thing' getting up on the 'wrong side of the bed'.  I heard that a lot when I was a little kid.  There is not a wrong side of the bed, sorry to disappoint you.  There is, however, a right 'time' to go to bed, and a right 'time' to get out of bed.  Sleep and stress experts will tell you that your body requires at least 8 hours of sleep per night.  And, that most of our culture is sleep deprived.  This could give a clue as to why people are so rude...they are just plain tired and don't feel good. 

But, back to the good day plan.  Sleep and rest.  Waking up with a stretch for your arms and legs is also a good idea.  About 10 years ago, my now-89-year-old grandma started doing a seris of simple stretches every morning before she ever got out of bed...she'd start with her feet...then stretch her legs...hands then her arms...slow and purposeful--she said it made all the difference in the world.  Personally, I stretch and also, I like to start the day with a prayer...for a good day, energy to do the things I need to do and to ask for blessings for those I'll come in contact with throughout the day. 

When I answer the phone, I smile.  I try to smile as I walk or drive.  The most important thing is to be thankful.  When we are thankful, we have a different attitude.  There is always something to be thankful for, even in the worst circumstances...always, but sometimes you must look harder, or from a different point of view, to find what it is to be thankful about. 

I often hear those around me, or read your posts on FaceBook that say something like, 'well, that ruined my whole day'.  I would like to point out that I have lived through the worst day of my life, and in the midst of that day, I can remember things that happened that were truly good!   Certainly, my life and the life of our family changed immediately, however I can point to the good, and smile...even through tears. 

Just try it.  Determine that that one thing will not ruin your entire day, and live like it.  Life is way too short, get your rest, be pleasant to those around you...and keep the BIG picture in mind.  God sees this, He has it worked out...He's in the details...but you MUST trust Him with it al. l--what ever 'it' is....I have said it before, I'll say it again!

At the end of each day, go over the day in your mind, determine that 'these were the good things' about this day, and focus on those.  Give the not so good things to God, ask that He redeem or reconile those situations, or give you wisdom to face the fall out from them, and move on.  Just do the best you can to keep short accounts, with Him and with others. Do not hold grudges.  Do not wallow in self-pity.  Do not listen to the Accuser, who hates you.    Lay the good and the bad and the stuff you don't know what to do about at the feet of Jesus!  And, have a fabulous day!

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