Monday, June 11, 2012

One Cool Thing About Today...

We begin each week of intensive classes here at Tozer with a chapel service.  We are welcomed, and oriented in to what to expect for the week, we are led in worship and prayed over.  It is edifying to stand among fellow students, faculty and staff, knowing we are all there for one reason, at that moment:  to give our God all Praise--for He is Worthy!

Last semester, we opened each class time with worship.  The subject I studied last semester was Theology of Suffering and Healing--because of that delicate, emotional material, worship somehow put us in the right mind set to face head on some of the mystery surrounding the problem of evil, human suffering, and divine healing.  Worshiping together somehow bonded us together to work through the hard questions, which leads me back to today's chapel service...

The cool thing about today's chapel service was that Dr. Hugh Ross, a creationist, brought the message.   He is here this week to teach an apologetics course.  He was fascinating to listen to, and obviously loves what he does.  As I sat there, I was amazed to learn that he was a scientist first.  And, while he became a believer in his teens, he shared that he didn't know any other Christian people (believers) until he was 27 years old.  He came to the conclusion through scientific studies, and through theorems of time and space, as defined by science...that God was God!  He shared that just a few days ago, he'd been able to share an answer to the question, "If God created the earth, then who created God?"  --great question--posed by an atheist! Dr. Ross has a web-site at

Of course, simple minded me:  I believe it, because I can't think of any other way to explain how air exists, this stuff that we need an endless supply of to maintain life, and yet, it is here...all around us!

It has been a good first day of class....I was able to connect with students I've been in class with before, and meet some new students.  And, I have much to learn about addictions.  I am learning more about alcohol use and abuse than I've ever known before.  Staggering statistics...

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