Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sleep....and good coffee...

You might ask:  What do sleep and good coffee have in common?  This week, me!  In the past 5 weeks, I have driven our Yukon for approximately 50 hours, flown in a huge airplane for a total 10 hours and spent countless hours packing and wraping boxes and furniture!  I am not complaining at all, in fact, I'm overjoyed! 
However this week, I am catching up on some sleep/rest and allowing myself at least one good cup of coffee in the morning! 
And so, as I sit here and contemplate what to write, I'm sipping my coffee, and enjoying the quiet, peacefulness that being 'out in the country' offers!  Unfortunately, I'm looking out at very brown fields, and dry wooded areas...there is a drought in this part of the country, and it is showing.  This drought is showing on the faces of those around me, too.  The ones who make their living by planting crops... Truly the only thing that I/we can do to help in this time is to pray.  And fervently pray and trust that even in this time, God is at work.  There is a difference between praying and believing for the answer, and 'saying' you'll pray and never giving the matter a second thought.  Just looking around here, how can we not remember to pray and ask for rain? 

This week, I'm praying about the drought situation and the many other things that seem to concern me at this moment in our lives.  Our big concern is where God intends for us to be, as a family.  The key word in the previous sentence is the word 'be.'  Some of my friends at Tozer were required to read a book entitled The Courage to Be.  I intend to read this book, as well, but for now, I am not looking for some deep philosophical meaning to my question, I am just looking for simple answers to simple quesitons.    Questions like, where do You, Lord, intend for us to live?  Rent or Buy?  House or apartment?  In 'town' or out in the 'country'?  Close neighbors, or a private area?  And, then there's the question of which body of beleivers we should identify with in our new town?  Where is the best place to serve?  So many details that I could easily be tempted to 'worry' about...as you know, worry shows a lack of trust. 

God is showing Himself faithful in all this, He will bless my effort in trusting Him...each time I even 'think' about the details...and begin to get anxious, as I am sometimes prone to do, I just give it to Him...with thanksgiving, for already having my concerns worked out.  He promised this was true...and He is Faithful!  HE's got this, even the house our family will live in for this next chapter in our lives--as we signed a purchase agreement just today on a cute little place that suits us, and only a mile from my husband's work.  Truly an exciting time! 

Let me just say, as a side note, that there is nothing like the little hugs I've been getting from sweet Will Aden & Ally Nicole!  They are so happy we are here, and we don't have to leave for a home that is six hours away!  Will began praying for us to move closer about 6 months ago....and his prayers were answered!  I don't know about you, but when God, the Creator of the Universe, takes the time to answer a 6 year old's prayers, that speaks of the loving kindness of our Great God!  Praise HIM!  --For He is Worthy!!!

I'll keep you posted on the way God keeps working out the details, those details that I refuse to worry about, keep reading!

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