Monday, June 4, 2012

As it Turns Out...

As it turns out:  I have not posted to this blog since February 29...a 'long enough' gap that blogger has completely changed the way that posts are developed...I have much to learn.  As always, I'll do fine under this pressure:  it may take a few more tries to fully appreciate all the updates, however!

As it turns out:  I am writing a disclaimer right here:  I am not re-editing this blog post in order to save time...I will be more judicious about postings and editing later!
As it turns out:  Life as we knew it, has once again changed completely!  This is somewhat of a trend for our 31 year marriage.  A trend that we did not plan--nor anticipate early on--we are beginning to see a our way to a clear destination.  You may say, "well, it's about time:  Bishop's, you should grow up and be more responsible."  Yes, I have heard this comment, in person, more than once in the past 12 months!
As it turns out:  Difficult is the best word to describe these past 12-15 months.  And, in some ways, the words Peace, Mercy & Grace also come to mind to describe our experiences.  While I am saving most of the 'good stuff' for a different type of communication, I can share here some of our challenges, and victories.  Difficult to watch first hand as people suffer, and much of the suffering was not by their own decisions, or messes, but by the decisions that other's made concerning their lives.  Difficult to move to a new community where you know only 6 people, and only 2 actually live in that community.  Difficult to take young people to church, and not get anything out of the service, or be able to contribute to the service because you must be watchful at all moments of these young people.  Difficult--no, impossible to make friends, there are few places to connect with other adults in a non-threatening way.  OR, perhaps, I had almost concluded that I have come to an age that "I'm too old to make new friends"...and THEN, 'IT' happened.  God sent us friends, not many, just two, but they identified with everything we experienced, for their experiences were similar to our own!  Friends that would encourage and love us, and we could do the same for them! 
As it turns out:  We were not that good at house parenting, on many levels, on others, we were excellent.  As it turns out, that "job" is 24/7, not complaining, at all, just sharing that fact. Because, we still needed to be parents and grandparents to our own children.  Those 'boundaries' were difficult to define, and not 'cross'...for all of us. 
As it turns out:  We moved to a small apartment 6 weeks before the girls finished their freshman year of high look for jobs.  And, in perfect timing...Randy found a job--with the help of people who love us.  And, so we, again, are re-locating.  And, that is wonderful--because we will only be about 40 minutes from our older kids, and those precious grand babies.  God is good.  And, He smiles at us and sees us in our messes....I know this first hand, for we have been in so MANY messes! 

As it turns out:  Randy and I really can cook...we proved that by preparing meals for 10 on a regular basis!  We also proved that we do not need near as much 'space' as we once thought!  We are living apart for the moment...and that is ONLY because he is already begun his job, and I am awaiting a place for us to live and move 'to'...and this time, while we are apart, I will be attending my summer intensive session in California.  My course work this semester is "Counseling the Addicted"...fascinating, but if you hear I am attending AA, it is for class purposes and not because I have taken to drink heavily. 

As it turns out:  I am finding more and more tidbits that I could share with you that I have learned and observed and experienced in the past 15 months.  Suffice it to say:  I will put it in some 'form' very soon!

Thanks for reading...and thanks for your constant encouragement!
 Have a fabulous June!  I know we are!

1 comment:

JaniceG said...

I am praying for you and your family and am trusting God to continue to direct your lives. We love you!