Friday, January 13, 2012

Storms, Unpleasant Conversations and Blessings!

To my surprise and utter delight, in the midst of storms and unpleasant conversations, there always seems to be a bright spot! I have found a new friend that sheds light on the bright spot. She has s similar job as me, house 'mom' to up to 6 boys. The difference is, I am old enough to be her mom! Hilarious, to me...and then I find myself asking the most daunting of questions. Questions like: Perhaps I really am too old to effectively parent teen-agers. She certainly seems to have it all together. Perhaps if I were younger, thinner, more beautiful in the morning, had longer or shorter know....all those questions we ask ourselves in the quiet moments...and then in my head I have to scream: JUST GO WITH IT...YOU ARE HERE FOR A REASON...NO MATTER YOUR AGE, JEAN SIZE, OR HAIR COLOR (which is, of course, up to one of my other new friends, Tania--the Master Stylist).

And, in the quiet of the morning, and in the intimate moments with my God, He assuringly tells me to trust only in Him and His timing and His provision. His word is clear, but the sweetness of His presence also assures me of His plans. It is truly amazing to watch as He places people in this ministry that can not only minister effectively to these young people, but also to the hearts of the staff, as well! I am in awe most of the time!

Just last night, our tutor, who comes three times per week, showed me some pictures on the Internet of his great uncle...who was sainted in Canada. A fascinating story, really, of a very frail man, who in the end of his life, had a chapel that was built to the side of the church. In this chapel, he would meet with people and pray for them, and they were healed...the fascinating part is that when my friend the tutor visited this place years later, there were crutches and other items the people who had been healed as a result of his prayers just left at the chapel. Why is it that we can become so excited that it happened 'back then', and discount such miracles from our God today.

Of course, I would say, because I get to write this, that if we believe that the same God that healed all those people so long ago isn't doing the same kinds of things today, we are deeply misled. God has provided miracle after miracle for me and my family and for those around me...It is truly inspiring to hear stories of God's move and purpose in people's lives.

My new friend that I first talked about, is such a blessing to me in this 'dry spell from real-life girl friends'...she speaks openly of scripture and God's move in their life as a couple! I love that about God's people...I can't wait to meet more and more of them, as time goes on, Lord willing!

Be blessed today. This, as you probably know, would be considered a 'hard day' for those who grieve loved ones who have gone on to Heaven. By God's grace and mercy, we are still breathing in and out, and praise His Name!

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