Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Goin' to Graceland--a little word about Authenticity!

        Elvis Presley’s influence on American men is truly a phenomenon.  I realized this when my sister and I visited Graceland a few years ago.  We laughingly took the tours, watched the videos and stood in awe gazing at the awards he had received.  
Later we discussed just how much our dad, during the 1960’s & 1970’s had sought to look, sound and act just like Elvis. Dad had been driven by what others thought his whole life.  The house, cars, wife and daughters were presented in perfect order to anyone who took notice.  It all came crashing down when, as I was planning my parent’s twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, he sat me down and told me he was leaving my mom for another woman.  That was a point of no return for me.  I would never again put up any sort of facade in any area of my life on purpose—authenticity became supreme for me in all my relationships and in all my dealings.
The facade for my dad remained until shortly before his death, when he realized the impact of his actions and his life.  However, just like “The King,” he died a very lonely, yet good looking young man.  Authenticity is the thing of life, the very thing, that will allow us to feel the delight of the Lord.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Anna--an Amazing Teacher!

"The big kids went with their mom to shop for school clothes.  Which means Anna gets to do what ever she wants--she's finishing off YOUR potato stix."  The reply, "That sounds about right!"

This was the texts between my husband &  I yesterday.

School starts for our grandchildren tomorrow!  A second grader and a kindergartner--at least one of them is excited!  They have an amazing mommy.  She planned the whole day as an outing especially for the three them-including lunch at one of their favorite non-fast food restaurants!  Precious!  One of my favorite things about this is that when they returned to our house, I got to see the runway performance of what cute elementary school kids are wearing to school this year!  LOVE it!

Another favorite thing was the time I got to spend with Anna (all by myself, you see, she has quite a population of aunts and grandparents)--she is funny because she's not yet two!  I handed her a cookie and I stood there amazed because of her prompt and correct "Thank You!"--music to my ears.

During Sunday's sermon about prayer, the point was made that we are to approach our Heavenly Father as a little child...As I think of Anna this morning, I have a sweet visual illustration for the sermon notes!

Sometimes I feel like her in MY Father's presence.  Because she is so young, her vocabulary is limited.  Because I am small compared to God, my vocabulary, in His presence, is limited, or it should be!  Anna walked toward the front door, and because I know her, I helped her open the door and we went outside to consider the rocks, the driveway, and the trees--at one point we considered the view of the traffic passing by--but mostly it was a quiet 'knowing' moment.  No words--or basic words of communication just content to feel the breeze on our faces and the view of the leaves swaying in our sight.  Just enjoying our time together, the two of us.  Precious. There are no other words to describe--and yet somehow thankful comes to mind as another word to use!

This is how we should approach Our God, the Creator of Heaven & Earth...the One Who IS Mighty to Save--yet knows how many hairs are on my head!--a small child filled with wonder over the smallest detail!  a small child, just to sit in His presence--feeling a sense of comfort, contentment and joy!  a small child, not really knowing the words to use, but knowing that the One Who knows my heart's desire and wants to bless me with good things!   a small child wandering around this world but doing it with the assurance that God has promised never to leave me or forsake me--indeed, He will accompany me outside the confines of my comfort zone and into a rich new world of life experiences!

I love the ways that we can learn about God through our every day life experiences--if we are looking to learn!  Teach me, O God--for I truly want to learn through this experience today, and always!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Happy Birthday, Cailyn!

Babies, especially newborn babies, there is nothing quite like their little sounds and gentle movements.  They are fascinating to watch.  They bring with them such awe and wonder.  I love their little stretches, their facial expressions and their precious newborn smell.

Our oldest baby was about three weeks old when I figured out that the back of my neck was actually sore from just holding her, and looking at her constantly--but such a good kind of pain--for she was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen.  Then, four days later, her cousin was born, and we had two beautiful babies to enjoy.  These two baby girls are all grown up now, having babies of their own,

It is true, the babies in our family are all the most beautiful I have ever seen.  Isn't that the truth, every mom or grandma, or aunt or great aunt, thinks their babies are the most beautiful...this is as it should be, for if you told the truth, you would say the same.

I think when we welcome, celebrate and rejoice when babies are born, we are acting from a place of profound hope.  The birth stories we share concerning our children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews...are sacred--because these babies give us a place in history--this particular time and this place. 

Today, I am feeling hopeful, because today, our family will grow because of baby being born!

Today, this day, our niece will have deliver her third baby.  Happy Birthday, Cailyn Grace!!!  She is being welcomed by her big brother, Clay, her big sister, Carsyn and her mom & dad--along with her grandparents, and her aunts and uncles.  She already is so blessed to be a part of such a family who already love her.  I love that we are counted among extended family members.  I do not like that we live in another state and we will not get to meet her right away.  I love that there is technology available, though, so we will be able to see her right away!  

We choose whether we want to have babies or not.  If we choose not to, we certainly have much time to do 'other things'--and that is fine.  When we choose to have babies, though, our lives somehow simultaneously slow down in order to enjoy, and speed up  in order to get it all done!

Through our children we learn a different perspective about life, don't we?  We have a better discernment, hopefully, for the truly important things in life.  I have learned my most valuable life-lessons because we have children.  Not that my children have taught me everything, but the experience of parenting, itself, has been an amazing educational process.  There are the extremes, happiness, joy, laughter and hilarious stories to tell, re-tell and enjoy.

There are the terrifying things, like illness, driver's permits, waiting in the moments when they are late for curfew...sending them out the door on their first sleep over when they are 6 or 7, and then again, when they go 'out' with friends in a car for the first time.  There are sad moments, like when they don't make the "team", or they feel their best friend betrayed them--or their boyfriend has stopped calling.  There are questioning moments like when the plumber has to pull the toilet, only to find that a cassette tape has been mysteriously flushed.  OR, when two little girls come in squealing about their new 'pet bird'...and they have actually roped a little bird with kite string--we still do not know how that happened.  There are ER visits for stitches and doctor visits for high fever.  There are sleepless nights--for all kinds of reasons.  There are contented sleep-filled nights, too, though like when the entire family is under one roof contentedly sleeping.

Another lesson to learn is how to tell a great story.  For example, stories about family members are great for our kids to hear.  When we turn good memories of our family members that have gone on before us into children's stories, we have given our children a sense of belonging, and a sense of their place in family history.  These stories are sacred to our families and should be told and re-told.

Yes, having children is a gift, but a gift that comes with great responsibility to help them find their identity and place in their family and within this world, as well.  Do it well...with passion and purpose...but do it well!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Hope in MY Waiting...

I have been dreaming of a week-long retreat of solitude for a few years.  You know the kind.  Going off by myself to contemplate life, write and read and relax.  I do not know if this is a selfish goal, or one that, because I feel it would be good for my soul, would help me become a better person.

As I think about it, a week in a monastery, while it might be the ticket to make this dream come true, might not work out in real life too well.  If you know me you know that I can be loud, and strange things/happening make me laugh out loud, so I might disrupt the peaceful rhythm of  a place of intentional quiet retreat.

As I am now two weeks past my surgery, I want to share a story with you.  Looking back, the days seem to run together, I have begun to call them "day ?" after the surgery.   I had many sweet and precious visitors while I was "in."

I realized around "day 7" that I had sort of experienced a week of solitude.  My time, of course, was spent recuperating.  However, I began to purposefully recount the unanticipated ways that I experienced the love of God through those around me, and within the "quietness" of my room, tethered to my beloved IV pole.

On day 4, a dear friend and her sweet little girl  brought me a beautiful bouquet of lavender and lilies from their own garden--so simple and so beautiful.  I chose to set this bouquet on an elevated shelf, so that I could enjoy them when I 'looked up.'

For me, day 6 was the most difficult day to experience.  As I prepared to go to sleep that evening I was pretty weepy, uncomfortable, and somewhat frustrated at my 'progress'...I thought my body should have been farther along in the healing process than it was, and I could not go home.  But watch, this is the fun part...

As I went to bed that night, I looked up at my flowers, and the beautiful yellow flowers had all closed up and wilted...some had even fallen onto the floor.   That pretty much was how I felt, too.  I prayed for a little while and fell asleep.

When I woke up on the morning of day 7, I felt great physically.  I asked for coffee right away, and as I waited for it, I looked up.  The most amazing thing:  two beautiful yellow lilies had opened up...the bouquet was restored to the way it looked just a few days before.  Somehow, that gave me so much hope.  I think of the oil of joy or beauty from ashes...bad attitude to good attitude...a selfish spirit traded for a heart of gratitude...

I was also reminded of a text that I had received from a dear friend that lives far away from me, "God sees you, and He loves you!"  God is not the lilies, but I think that because they opened up for my eyes to "see" I felt such comfort and peace, knowing that God had made those flowers for His pleasure, but on this particular morning, I got to experience that same pleasure.  And, reassurance of His love for me, and the fact that He truly does see me in every way!  I love that about Him!