Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Are You a 'Learner'?

Ahhhh...the beginning of June. Summer, summer, summer! I know it isn't 'officially' here yet, but as soon as school's out at our house, it's summer!

The twins are on a mission trip this week. Technically, they haven't left home, but youth groups from various churches in town are working together to do 'projects' for various establishments here.

They pick up trash at different places like parks, parking lots of businesses, the hospital, nursing homes, schools, churches, etc., wash windows, pull a lot of weeds from landscaping, volunteer at different places, visit residents in nursing homes, and do a host of other projects that I don't even realize. It gets their 'feet wet', so to speak, for missions (or at least serving others) and a sense that life is bigger than just their own agenda! It's really a good thing! Our girls come home really tired, which is also a good thing!

Summer lunch is in full swing--this means there are 45-60 kids in our building each day for a Bible lesson, lunch and then an organized play time. Transportation is provided...the kids love it.

Next week, we start VBS. I can't wait! I get to teach! A lot of history this one, Moses...and the Israelite history! Passover and all those details, with a day about Jesus being the sacrificial lamb mixed in to tie that history to our lives today. Sometimes, I wish I had a greater handle on Jewish tradition and history. There is so much to glean from the Old just makes me want to study more. It's rich in meaning and purpose, for why Jesus came & died. And, what that meant then and NOW in 2009!

God's word is so relevant today and that motivates me to learn more and more about it. And, yet, I still don't know everything I want to know!--Not really certain that's even possible, as I see myself as always being a disciple, or 'learner'.

I know this though: summer is a great time to learn! A great time to study! I can get by with reading a lot more! And, summer is a great time to enjoy this walk, this path, that God has placed me on at this point in my life!--I wait, with great anticipation, to see what He does next! WOW!!!


Carol said...

I totally agree about the Old Testament showing the meaning of the New. I love it!

Marsha said...

Thanks! for leaving a comment, it helps me know somebody's 'reading'!:)