Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Week of Learning!

I've been living the dream, instead of writing about it!--So, I'm BACK!!

I learned that 13 year old girls cannot possibly pack for a week of church camp without certain 'necessities', including mascara and concealer! And, that they can leave for said camp without kissing their mother good-bye (sniff!)

I learned that it is a perfect week for their 22 year old sister to try out her 'dorm mom' skills as relationship and clothing police. (The stories she tells from this past week are priceless!)

I learned that it is really a good idea to be prepared for Vacation Bible School lessons each day, but NOT to stress about them...

While our younger three were at church camp for Jr High I week, I was busy being one of two lesson-teachers at our annual Vacation Bible School.

The lessons I learned (taught) this week were:
God is With US!--FEAR NOT--Moses gets a message from a burning bush.
God is Powerful!--FEAR NOT--Moses approaching Pharaoh and then 9 of the 10 plagues were sent when his answer was NO, he wouldn't let the Hebrew people go!
God does What He Says He'll Do!--FEAR NOT--The 10th plague, and the passover.
God Gives Us Life!--FEAR NOT--the Passover meal celebrated and Jesus as our perfect lamb sacrificed for US!
God Cares for Us!--FEAR NOT--Moses and the Israelites and the parting of the Red Sea!

I taught the same lesson 5 times each day, to children ranging from 4years to 5th grade...sometimes there was a mixture of both ends of the spectrum in the was small child, though, got really scared when we talked about the death angel passing over the homes in Egypt. And so, I learned to take age appropriate application into consideration when presenting a lesson about the Passover...(I'm so sorry, but I'm used to teaching adults--yikes!)

I learned to have a new, deeper respect and love for our children's minister and the precious wife that God blessed him with! It did not matter what we were preparing for, each time, I'd ask her how she was doing she'd say "THIS is my favorite part!" Of course, that just spurred on my excitement for the week! --All I had to do was be prepared in the Word and be prayed up, because she took care of every little detail about props, assistant(s) and other details like bottled water! She built the room that became the 'parted Red Sea'--and supplied a 'burning bush'! Truly one of my heroes for the week!--Thanks, Katia!

God blessed me with a great assistant that did everything from running sound effects in our lesson room to dressing up as Pharaoh and acting out the plagues with the kids to squirting a misting water bottle at the kids as they walked through the 'Red Sea'! He is great, only 14, but I found him to be totally reliable during this week, he tried really hard not to miss a 'cue' and would even come an hour early to go over the day's lesson and last minute questions we'd work through. Katia was always close by, to answer any questions we had about props, too!

I learned a new appreciation for coffee! The 'kitchen crew' was always there an hour early, too! The snacks were amazing....but the part I loved was the fact that they always had a pot of coffee brewed! So, we'd make our plan for the day and drink coffee!

I learned to graciously accept a thoughtful gift...One of the owners of our great local coffee place happens to be a member of our church, so on the last day she brought my favorite--Orka chia from her store...what a jewel! And, what a surprise! There were probably 50, or so, adult helpers, and she brought chia to me! Truly a blessing!--And, truly delicious!

I learned, on an even deeper level, that children are SO precious to Our God! Smiles, and laughter and craft glue and tears and snacks...that's the stuff that VBS is made of!--Oh, yeah, and exhausted adults! I heard more than one child say they wished that VBS lasted all summer! How fun to consider, but also how exhausting it would be for the 'behind the scenes' people!

I learned that I can live in a home with just my husband, and be alright (we haven't been alone in our home for more than a night or two in a really long time!--possibly ever!) It was good, but I'm glad they are all home now! I'll take the transitions to 'emptier house' at the appropriate time, thank you very much!

I learned that normal routine Bible study that I do each week is important, no matter if it is VBS week, or not! I'm studying the Journey and in one more chapter, we'll be finished with the book of Acts! How rich is that text, I can't wait for Sunday morning, to talk about it with our SS class!

I started reading a delicious book, a recommendation from a new acquaintance, called 'Hinds Feet on High Places' by Hannah allegory...I'll let you know, but so far, it is fabulous!--Thanks, Betsy!


Carol said...

I love that you're still excited about VBS even after it's over. Two of the little learners were mine and you touch my heart when you touch them, especially with the Word of God. Thanks so much.

Marsha said...

God's Word...enough said! The week was completely MY pleasure!