Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Giving thanks...Being thankful

I've been hearing all the cliche's lately about moving.  And, we've been hearing the small town buzz...people are so confused about where we're going, when we'll be there, and what exactly we're doing!  Our grown kids are being approached by people they barely know, and those people are asking about what we're doing...while I think this is hilarious...I also think it's a little scary.

A bonus for making a major move, you get to clean out all the 'stuff' and analyze whether you 'need' it or not!  I love this.  I have literally boxes filled with journals that I have written all kinds of things in over the past 15 or so years.  I am so organized these days that as I was packing my essentials this evening, I found a journal that I began writing in January of this year.  In May, which was a roller-coaster of a month --so some of the things I wrote were a little dis-jointed. 

Sometime after May 18, and before May 23, I wrote these words:

Giving thanks in all circumstances--THIS is God's will for me! (I Thessalonians 5:16-18 says 'Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.")  Is there a difference between:  "Giving thanks in all circumstances"  OR  "Giving thanks for all circumstances"?????   If not, then--do it--test yourself--see how much you trust God to work all circumstances to the good for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes (Romans 8:28).

Even when we don't understand, God wants us to be thankful all the time.  Paul tells us to be content in all circumstances.  He (Jesus) is enough for me--must I live there?  Yes, apparently, I MUST, for that is all I see in ahead.  However, I dont' stay focused on the immediate--I focus on what is to come.  ...wait for it...That's what the Lord says--wait for it!  Remember:  a still small voice!

I wanted to share that many of the details of our lives are coming together nicely.  However, there are still many places in our lives where we are, apparently going to be constantly be asking "Is HE truly enough?"  At what point do we just shut our eyes, and say YES-and truly mean it? 

When I was a little girl, even when it wasn't Christmas season, I would love it when my mom would give in and read Luke 2 to me!  I loved the story of baby Jesus being born.  Years later, though, I discovered a portion of scripture just before Luke 2 that brings me to tears almost every time I read it-Luke 1.  Especially Mary's response to being chosen in verses 46-55.  But for this post, I would like to direct you to verses above that, where Mary is visited by the angel, and told about Jesus....verses 26-38....

Her faith both astounds and inspires me!  For in verse 34, her response is "How can this be?" and in verse 37 she is reminded how it can be... for it says "For nothing is impossible with God."

That is a little insight as to why I think it is a way to stretch your faith when you can give thanks both for and in all circumstances...not a popular view...and you don't have to understand and get stuck in the 'how can this be?'  OR 'what am I supposed to do with THIS?"...but to remember, every single second...and this is a challenge in our fallen world...but to remember that "NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD!"  I just love that about Him!

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