Monday, July 9, 2012

Time Marches On but Rome Wasn't Built in a Day!

"Time marches on."  That's what my grandma AnnaBelle used to always say.  I seem to be quoting her a lately.  She would also say, "Rome wasn't built in a day."

No, I'm not going to write some travel log down memory lane.  But, because we are transitioning, and I don't have too much else to do, except wait, I seem to be analyzing everything and everyone and every conversation.

We have been away from the town we had lived in for over thirty years.  That is a long time.  We are moving to a town about forty miles to the east of this town.  We have been seeing former neighbors, former acquaintances, former teachers of our kids--just people that we took for granted knowing.  And, I suppose that is one of the reasons for my use of 'time marches on'...with or without us here, people have lived their lives, and carried on.  This is as it should be. 

Our family attended the wedding reception of a dear friend this past week end.  When we left, she hadn't even met this I missed the whole beginning and progression of the relationship--this is also as it should be, for I am ecstatic that she has found her special someone to love!  It just seems remarkable to me--things happen in the blink of an eye.  I read my face book news feed, and marvel at the significant things people write that are going on in their lives.  Indeed, time marches on...we only have this moment! Celebrate it!  Don't waste it!
And yet, the other thing I find myself saying is "Rome wasn't built in a day"... I find myself saying this to all four of our daughters almost at once.  Our oldest just moved to a new home with her family.  She has done a great job so far of making this home theirs--adding her color touches to everything, placing furniture and belongings...but there are still things they'd like to 'do' to the house! Home ownership is a process, I  think...few people just move in and it is exactly they way they want to keep it forever!

Our second oldest just took what she considers a 'grown up' job...with real benefits and a real pay check...and with that transition has come her first 'grown up' apartment.  She's happy with most everything, but there are things she would like to have for this new space.  However, she likes to travel and do other things besides be home, so she needs to take her time and enjoy it--adding her things as she can!

Our twins are eagerly anticipating what they are going to do with their new rooms, when we move to our new home.  And, my response has been:  you know, you haven't had your own rooms for over a year, why don't you live in them a little while, and add things as we can....'Rome wasn't built in a Day'! 

For me, though, while these two phrases do not go together, in some strange way, they sum up my life at the moment, alsmost perfectly!  Giving me perspective, to know that we are evolving, things change, people change--move away, get married, have babies, or die--whether I'm 'here' or not...and yet, building a life consists of more than whether I have the desired 'color' of paint on my walls currently or not!  It consists of more than if my art work matches my furnishings perfectly or not! 

My life is laughter, and serious conversation...setting and achieving goals, and encouraging those around me.

Here's a story that happened just today--I share it now to encourage you not to waste a second of your life!  Today, I found myself laughing uncontrollably with my grandbabies. 

Will is 6, and loves Batman.  Ally is 3, and loves everything.  Anna is 7 months, and is good at recognizing those in her life who love her--and for the most part is content to sit and play with an empty candy box. 

Today Will was showing me a couple of toys from his toy box, Anna was sitting in front of me, in her walker and Ally was behind Anna, but talking to me. 

Will came up beside Anna wearing 'The Joker' mask (it is hideously white-faced with a giant red smile painted across the mouth--from his Batman collection of toys) and turned his head so that Anna could see him. 

Poor little baby:  she was content one second and screaming her lungs out the next!  She visibly shook when she saw him.  And, of course, I rescued her...but could not stop laughing.  Isn't that sick?  It didn't take long for her to calm down, and we put the mask in a different spot so that she wouldn't have to see it.   What can I say?  Time marches on--I must enjoy these moments, and keep watching as our family grows...for Rome wasn't built in a day!  

1 comment:

everydayMOM said...

So true, Marsha. I've been reminded so often lately that I just need to enjoy the moments that I have. It's easy to wish for different circumstances, but God has me right where I am for a reason! I'm excited to hear about your move!