Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Moms...of pre-schoolers...of teen-agers...of adults...

It is not a secret; I love to talk.  I love to laugh and I love to be around people--all kinds of people.  At this point in my life, I have this amazing gift of time.  Time to think; I've mentioned this recently here, so I won't bore you with that...however, I need to think more clearly.  Thinking more clearly for me, at this age, seems to come after my morning coffee!  But, seriously, thinking clearly for all of us humans comes from time spent in the Word and in prayer, you know this, or you should.

I was honored yesterday by a surprise phone call from a friend I hadn't talked to in quite a while.  You know, it's one of those calls that when her name 'popped up' on my phone, I thought, "OH, good!  I get to talk to ______!"  It was a bittersweet conversation, because she shared her disappointment with me concerning something she's facing.  However, we were able to not focus completely on that topic, and catch up with each other a little.  And, it was a blessing.

Yesterday was my first day of my fall semester, so most of the day was spent putting my materials in order, and I was even able to begin one of my first writing assignments.  However, my phone rang again in the afternoon--a different friend called.  This phone call was from a young mom that I dearly love, but I haven't, again, had much opportunity to talk with her since we moved.  To my delight, she was calling to invite me to speak at a MOPS (Mothers Of Pre-Schoolers) meeting later this year!  How fun! 

As I sit here this morning, I am contemplating topics to share with these young moms!  I'm thinking that because I have had pre-schoolers in our house for the majority of the past 27 years, I might have some encouragement to share with them!  And, while I haven't had a divine revelation about my topic at this moment, I feel certain that I will narrow my options down in the next couple of days.  But, oh how fun it is to sit and think about all the different  scenarios and approaches I could take.

Being a mom is filled with the most wonderful moments; moments to cherish and to 'ponder'.  Those moments trigger emotions that you didn't even know you were capable of feeling--and moments that literally take your breath away--to the point of no air in your lungs.  Each child, so unique from the others, only wanting to be loved and cherished forever by their parents.  From the sweet little baby to the precious little three year old to the curious & busy first grader to the complicated (and sometimes sullen) teens---trying college years to the young adults--yep--these are the most wonderful times!  Because, each time our family is together--this is the variety we have to enjoy!  Secretly, my hope is that it will always be this way!  A variety of ages and stages--precious, each one, which makes my advice this morning this:  enjoy each one, for the current stage in this child's life is quickly fleeting, for it will not last forever. 

When your little baby won't sleep at night, and there are dark circles under your eyes like you have never experienced before--the sweet smile and laugh out loud quickly bring a smile to your tired face, and you light up!  When the drooling starts, and there is pain because the teethe are coming--it isn't long before they are taking bites of french fries or their siblings.  (or in my sister's case, the rubber seal on our grandparent's car trunk)  Blink and they are in school...blink again, and they are walking through their college graduation...and then, soon enough they bring their little ones to you for you to enjoy!  Love each each day--for soon, very soon, the canvas of your family changes!

Consider Psalm 90:12 Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
and, Psalm 39:4 Show me, O Lord, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life.

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