Sunday, September 30, 2012

Travel and Trying Not to Smell Like Smoke

I love to travel.  In such a way that I feel is normal, where there's a plan, or at least a plan not to have a plan.  Beginning yesterday at noon, I began traveling for my destination at school.  From my home in southwestern Indiana, to Redding California, where I will spend two weeks in class.

Yesterday was a driving portion to northern Illinois, in order to catch a flight in Chicago, Midway. (I know, I know, but the 'price of the flight' lured me in.)  So, my flight was scheduled and 'on time' for 6:00am.  This put me at the air port at 4am, in order to navigate security, in a timely manner.  And, in case you are curious, the answer is yes, there were many people in line in security checks at that time of morning.

At 5:15 we were told that our flight would be delayed, we just were not certain about how long.  We boarded the plane at about 6:40 for a 7:05 take off...only to De-plane at 6:50, and given a new departure time of noon and many apologies, 'Rick the manager' was outstanding under this stress, by the way. 

However, we were instructed to 'wait it out' if we could, which I did, incorrectly thinking I could get a quick connect at Denver.  And, so, I am sitting in the Denver Airport, waiting, again for about six hours until I can catch a flight to Sacramento.  Then, the last 'driving leg of my trip'--that I had so wonderfully planned to have taken place before noon today--will, in fact take place between the hours of 9-11 tonight.  Oh, joy.  Oh, joy.  OH, JOY! 

And, so, with travel and meal vouchers in my hand, and a brand new boarding pass with a different air line, I approached a real sit down restaurant for dinner, to sit quietly, and think and enjoy my first real food of the day.  I checked on my car rental, they'll hold it for me, and I called my husband...those are pretty important.  I also communicated with a couple of classmates at my destination, about my late arrival. 

As I was finishing my dinner, I thought about how very tired I feel, and no one is here with me that I love...and poor me, and on and on and on... Of course, the temptation is really there:  I'll never see any of these people that I am looking at again in this lifetime...but they certainly may remember the grouchy lady!  (I know I'll not soon forget the guy that made a really bad comment to one of the workers today and had security called on him!)

You see, I have been studying the book of Daniel recently, and it always strikes me how his friends came through the fiery furnace without smelling like smoke. Consequently, every time, I vow that I will do my best in trials and hard circumstances not to smell like smoke, as I face it, or after I'm through it, Lord willing! 

However, all my poor me's wreaked of smoke--the worst smelling kind....from the pit of self-indulgence.  Because, the secret to not having the stench of smoke on you from the 'things that happen in your life', is for it not to show on your face, or in your speech, or in your demeanor.  So the rest of my trip, I will purpose to smile.  Smile because of who lives inside me....and look at the blessing of the gorgeous Denver sky and the beautiful mountain view I had flying 'in'...and the week ahead, reconnecting with the new friends I've made over the past year.  And, most of all, focusing on all the information and blessing God has in store for me because of this course of study that I am pursuing!  I am excited.  I am really tired, but even in my tiredness, I can have a good attitude.  And, not stink like smoke!

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