Saturday, May 16, 2009

Nuggets from the Journey

Acts 2-6. The beginning of the church. The Lord added to their numbers daily. The believers had everything in common. No one among them had any need. Miracles happened. Praise to the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob happened. Jesus Christ was proclaimed as the only name by which men could be saved!
This lesson in giving to God what you say you're going to give...what a faith builder!--
Gamaliel gives us the lesson on purpose and activity! He said: '...for if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.'

Interesting to me: Gamaliel's speech persuaded the Sanhedrin to free Peter & John. Not until, however, they'd been flogged, and ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus. (there is a clue here about the power that Name has!) These apostles went away from being flogged rejoicing because they'd been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.--plus, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ. Lesson learned? Absolutely. (a different lesson than the flogging by the Sanhedrin had hoped to teach, however!)

Jesus had told them they'd be persecuted. They realized this to be true as they watched Him be beaten and killed. They realized this when they saw their brothers being flogged. They also knew that death did not hold Jesus, and that promise was theirs, as well.

I wonder if we are prepared? if we're equipped? --We can be delivered from illness, from disease, from temptation (remember, Jesus said 'pray so you won't fall into temptation), from sin...but not trouble or persecution because of Jesus' Name.

In our culture, we don't want to be embarrassed, humiliated, or disgraced (although what brings public shame, or disgrace, to people in 2009 looks much different than it did even 10 years ago)...yet these precious men, went away rejoicing because they'd 'been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.'

I'm prompted to stop and think...stop and consider. We must be able to apply scripture to our lives, in order to be equipped. How do I apply this section to me?

I take great comfort and glean great confidence in my God because of Acts 3. Re-read it and let it speak to your soul.

Peter & John were doing a 'normal day'...livin' the dream, so to speak. They were going up to the temple to pray. Custom, at that time, shows that prayers were at 6am, 9am, noon, 3pm and 6pm, at the temple. The morning prayers were for praise, the evening were for thanksgiving. Peter & John were going at three in the afternoon. Approaching the Gate Beautiful, there is this crippled beggar wanting money. They don't have any money (ok, this hits me, anyone else!?)

They do have a what the man needs, though. They heal him in Jesus' Name. They tied their deeds back to the Lord. (speak His name as you bless people) They give him more than he'd asked or could have imagined. (We learn later that he was over 40 years old...he probably never imagined being healed. Never walked before, and all the sudden, he's running and jumping and praising the Lord!)

The beggar is holding on to Peter and John, can't you just see this? The people are gathering around (I'm telling you, they took the times of prayer very seriously then--do we?) and they are astonished!--(When was the last time you were astonished by God's provision in your life, or in the life of someone you know? If it wasn't as recent as this morning, you may want to consider looking in to why?) This man's healing gave Peter & John a platform to speak to the crowd gathering there. This didn't set well with the Jewish leaders!--This is a very significant healing...this act was the catalyst for many more miracles, and the ultimate reason for the flogging in chapter 6...but, as you look at this, go ahead and read chapter 4 again..then 'dive in and really get' the verses written as Acts 4:12-14.

You see, we may be publicly humiliated because of the Name, we may be flogged in the streets (not today, perhaps, but it could come to this)...but the Name remains the same, and these could not help speak about what Jesus had done in their lives. They didn't have to know book, chapter and verse, they just lived it...they had witnessed first hand what God, this God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, had done and couldn't help speaking about Him and His provision in their lives and in the lives of others!

You see, people don't care how much scripture you know--they care what the living God, the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, has done in your life! What's He doing in YOUR LIFE?

Speak of it often, my friend. Bring Honor to His Name. The Name. Jesus. --No other Name by which men must be saved. Proclaim Him! Praise Him!

1 comment:

Debbie Legg said...

Amen my darling friend, Amen. :)