Monday, May 11, 2009

Projects to Start List

School is almost over, summer is just beginning...many new projects to work are a few:

We are counting down the days until Vacation Bible School starts! VBS is a huge outreach to our community! Many children--they are expecting around 175 (give or take a few)! I love VBS. Now that I'm older, the days must include a nap, or I'm grouchy! Old school, kool-aid and the off-brand sandwich cookies...nothing tastes better at around 10am on a summer morning...great memories! The smell of glue, and kids, and construction paper! Much excitement! Much fun! Can't wait...let the countdown begin!

I'll be working on another little project this week, it has to do with a 'right of passage' for a 'going-on 13' year old girl. This young lady is very fortunate to have such loving parents. For 12 weeks, leading up to her 13th birthday, she will meet with 12 different Godly women to glean wisdom and insight on a different Bible-based subject. My subject to share with her is 'faith'! This is a subject that I'm continually learning more about, but I could talk about it for a long time! I think that I only get a two hour time slot with her! I'm very excited to have a part, and, ultimately thinking that if more parents (for girls AND boys) made this kind of investment for their kids' lives, the world would look different! this countdown has begun!

A leadership-type event is floating around in my brain for some of the ladies in our church. This would help develop their leadership skills and place them in their gifted areas of service. I'm really excited about this prospect--and the ministry that can happen in the future by laying this vital ground work now!--I can't wait to see what God does with this and through this effort! Late summer, is what I'm thinking, so counting down, now!

Also, plastered all over my desk are brightly colored sticky notes that have to do with the area ladies event (or retreat) for 2010--you may remember, we just finished that event in April! Tomorrow, I get to call a 'potential speaker' for that event! Right now, April 2010, seems SO far in the future...but, like this year, I'll blink and it will be here! Let the countdown begin!

At home, we have much to do to make our home comfortable for all of our family this summer...and a vacation to get ready for! We need to work on landscaping (which I am horrible at!!)...I could fill an entire calendar with much busy work...I don't want to be anxious about anything...I only want to do 'the next thing' that God would have me work on--keeping priorities straight, enjoying my days, because they are numbered!--so, the countdown has already begun!

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