Sunday, May 24, 2009

Though there's pain in the offering...

Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

Life is short. No surprise in that. We all know it. We just don't like to admit it. Keep short accounts of things that need to be said to those we love. Enjoy each and every moment.

I'm sitting here thinking that since Easter Sunday, April 12, seven Sundays ago...five of those Sundays have been clouded with tragic news of death...either the death of people I know directly or someone I know has lost a person they love very much. This is life, this is a roller coaster! This is a great way to see the hand of Our Great God!!!

This week is almost the worst yet, because the tragedy involved three people from the same family. The parents and aunt of a dear friend of our family's. In past weeks, death has taken just one person at a time. This tragic loss is going to change a lot of people's perspectives. And, the ripple affects of this great loss are amazing, far reaching, and probably unending.

Mostly, in moments like these, I'm reminded of the stinging pain that accompanies unexpected loss. There's shock...there's tears...there's prayers...there's comfort...there's sadness.
It was a long time after our loss, before I could sing the song 'Blessed Be the Name' with out tears running down my face...I've shared this before in these writings. But, it is true, none the less, offering our pain and grief to our God as a sacrifice of praise is the best thing we can do with it. There is nothing we can do with it by hanging on to it...and by offering it to Him to do with, as He would please, to bring honor and glory to Himself seems healthy, even though there is truly 'pain in the offering'...BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD!


Dianna said...

We sang "Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord" in worship this morning. Then Jerry stopped us, and read back the part about 'You give and take away.' And then we had a minute of silent prayer for all those who were experiencing the pain of the 'taking away.' I am amazed to think of all the losses our community has suffered in such a short time.

Marsha said...

I know--it's an attack from our enemy, but at the same time such a way for us to remain on our knees seeking Our King!
Praying, Praising...that's our secret weapon...the enemy cannot touch us when we are in an attitude of praise or in prayer...he can try, but he will not succeed...bless you, Dianna!

amyrs said...

I just wanted to thank you for the "permission" to grieve. And for knowing that even though we want the world to stop. Life does go on.

PC pointed out to me today that Peter slept. Facing certain death, between two guards, in shackles, Peter Had the peace that transcends understanding.

This is my prayer for us.